Oprah: Hi everyone, welcome. We have an exciting show today. We have Dark Matter and his
sister Dark Energy.
Dark Energy: Thanks, Oprah, it's good to see you again.
Dark Matter: Hi Oprah, I'm very excited to be here.
Oprah: Okay, the question everyone is dying to know, what exactly are you guys?
Dark Energy: Well, Oprah, I am a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and tends
to increase the rate of expansion of the universe, and I also make up about 70% of
the universe.
Dark Matter: And, I am also a hypothetical matter of unknown composition that doesn't emit or
reflect enough electromagnetic radiation to be observed directly, but whose presence
can be inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter. I make up 30% of the
Oprah: Interesting, that clears a lot up for us. Moving on, how were you guys discovered?
Dark Matter: I was found using the Hubble Space Telescope when I turned up as a ghostly ring surrounding
the aftermath of the collision of 2 galaxy clusters close to me. That's also how you
guys know that I exist because I am a shadowy substance that only interacts with regular
matter through gravity.
Oprah: Very nice, and you Dark Energy?
Dark Energy: I was discovered when researchers tried to explain observations that the universe
we live in is expanding at an accelerating rate, as well as accounting for a significant
portion of the missing mass in the universe. Which is what I make up.
Oprah: So, let me get this straight, you both were discovered by researchers?
Dark Matter: Yes, I was a by a Swiss astronomer named Fritz Zwicky.
Dark Energy: And, I was by astronomer and physicist Adam Reiss.
Oprah: Great, what are you guys responsible for, in other terms what is your active role
in the universe?
Dark Matter: I am responsible for the expansion of space which is mainly caused by my large radiation
Oprah: And you Dark Energy?
Dark Energy: I am responsible for reducing the average density of any parcel of space.
Oprah: And one more question for you two, where in the world can we find you guys?
Dark Matter: I can be found within the galaxies or "blue areas" as scientists like to say.
Oprah: That is so funny. What about you Dark Energy?
Dark Energy: I can be found in distant supernovae, and my brother and I will give you our addresses
in case anyone wants to visit or write us. Unfortunately, we do not have a phone yet,
we haven't gotten that far.
Oprah: Yes, that might take a while. I want to thank you guys for coming. We had a great
time talking to you, and please come back to visit.
Dark Matter: Oprah, we had a really good time also, and we will stop by again, hopefully with
new and exciting details.
Dark Energy: Thanks, Oprah