Course portfolio guidelines
The elements of a course portfolio:
- Reflective Statement
The reflective statement functions as a map of the territory for the reader of your
course portfolio. Describe the learning goals of your course. What should the committee
notice about your syllabus design? Where are the important assignments located during
the semester? How are they supported, both before and after they are assigned? What
are the specific issues you face when you teach this particular course and syllabus
using reading/writing assignments?
In addition, please include answers to some of the following: How has your thinking
about the teaching of your course changed as a result of your experiences in the WAC
certification program? If you piloted a writing intensive version of your course for
the first time, what did you learn from the experience? How has your thinking about
the teaching of this course evolved over time?
- Detailed Syllabus
We're hoping to see a syllabus that makes the intellectual goals of the course and
the sequence and character of reading and writing assignments clear to students. Elements
to be included: due dates for drafts and final versions of writing assignments; an
account of how reading/writing is weighted in calculating the final grade. Note: We
hope that writing will count at least 30% in determining the final grade for the course.
- Copies of Assignments (handouts you give to the student)
Submit copies of all assignments, including informal writing prompts and Blackboard
discussion topics, so that we know what students are being asked to do. Make sure
each is carefully labeled. Assignments should match up with items on your syllabus.
Student Work (final portfolio only): Erase student names from samples. Student work
should be attached to the assignments and clearly labeled.
Final certification course portfolios are submitted electronically as well as in
hard copy. Print versions go to Professor Gordon Young in E309 (Department of Communications
and Performing Arts); the online address is: KCCWAC@kbcc.cuny.edu.