Work with a Writing Fellow
If you are enrolled in a writing intensive section or an Honors or Honors contract
course, you are eligible to work with one of the Writing Fellows, advanced Ph.D. candidates
from the CUNY Graduate Center.
A laboratory is a place where scientists engage in rigorous inquiry, and we hope you
will take advantage of working with a Writing Fellow in that spirit, as a place to
ask tough questions.
- You might start with your understanding of the assignment: Is this what the teacher
wants? Am I on the right track? Is there anything else I m supposed to do?
- If you have a draft, you might ask the Fellow to read it with you, out loud. Are there
parts where a reader might become confused or get lost? Ask the Fellow to function
as an ideal reader and to point out sections that might need more work.
- A Writing Fellow is not there to fix your paper, but if you know you have grammar
problems and are not sure how to correct them, do feel free to ask for that kind of
feedback, too.
Where: |
You can make an appointment in the Reading and Writing Center (L219 or at ext. 5405).
When: |
30 minute appointments are available Monday Thursday, Fall and Spring semester only.
Call to make an appointment!