Curriculum Committee Spring 2020
Minutes from Spring 2020 Curriculum Committee Meeting
1. Agenda SPRING 2020 Curriculum Committee
1a Special Actions - Change in Admission Requirements Nursing
2a. Change Degree Requirements - UPDATED A.A. Liberal Arts- Foreign Language.
2b. Change Degree Requirements A.S. Graphic Design and Illustration - New Concentration
2c. Change of Degree Requirements A.S. Chemical Dependency Counseling
2d. Change of Degree Requirements Certificate in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling
2e. Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Exercise Science
3a. New Course ART 2500 - Human Centered Design
3b. New Course ART 2700 - Coding for Designers
3c. New Course - EXS 2000 - Exercise, Energy Balance, and Weight Management
4a. New 82 Course - HIS 8245 - History of Policing in the United States
5a. Change Course Title - SAC 2800
5b. Change Credits_Hours - SAC 3200
5c. Change Credits_Hours - SAC 091A
5d. Change Course Name - Art 6800
5e. Change Course Name and Prerequisite - ART 7500
5f. Change in Prerequisite ART 48, 49, 69, 73, 74, 96
5g. Change Hours and Prerequisite - BIO 1100
5i. Change in Prerequisite - SPE 1100
5j. Change in Course Title and Description - HS 6000