Curriculum Committee Fall 2019
Curriculum Committee Fall 2019
Minutes from Fall 2019 Curriculum Committee Meeting
Appendices - Curriculum Committee 10-31-19
1. Agenda FALL 2019 Curriculum Committee 10-31-19
1b. Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Accounting
1c. Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Business Administration
1d. Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Media Arts
1e. Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Mathematics
2a. New Courses - ART 2500 - UX Visual Design
2b. New Course - ECO 2200 - Principles of Financial Management
2c. New Course - MCB 5200 - Video Editing with Media Composer
2d. New Course - ENG 6000 - Creative Writing Screenwriting
2e. New Course - ENG 12A0 - English Composition I ALP
2f. New Course - COH 1700 - Healthcare Coordination
3a. Change in an Existing Course - CIS 1200 - Introduction to Web Page Development
3b. Change in an Existing Course CIS2100 Introduction to Web Page Design
3c. Change in an Existing Course - CIS 3100 - Introduction to Database
3d. Change in an Existing Course - CP 300 - Computers and Society
3e. Change in an Existing Course - CP 500 - Introduction to Computer Programming
3f. Change in an Existing Course - CP 1000 - Computer Science Concepts, Tools and Methods
3g. Change in an Existing Course - CP 1100 - Introduction to Computers and Computer Applications
3h. Change in an Existing Course - CP 2100 - C++ Programming 1
3i. Change in an Existing Course - CP 6200 - Java Programming 2
3j. Change in an Existing Course - CS 3500 - Discrete Structures
3k. Change in an Existing Course - MAT R300 - Elementary Algebra II
3l. Change in an Existing Course - MAT 900 - College Algebra
3m. Change in an Existing Course - MAT 1400 - Analytic Geometry and Pre-Calculus Mathematics
3n. Change in an Existing Course - MAT 1500 - Calculus I
3o. Change in an Existing Course - MAT 1300 - Survey of Mathematics and Computer Concepts
3p. Change in an Existing Course - MAT 19A0 - Statistics and Probability in Today's World
3q. Change in an Existing Course - MAT 2000 - Elements of Statistics
3r. Change in an Exisitng Course - MAT 2200_BA 2200 - Business Statistics
3s. Change in an Existing Course - TAH 4300 - Event Catering Management