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Minutes from Spring 2018 Curriculum Committee Meeting
Agenda SPRING 2018 Curriculum Committee 5-3-18
1_Change in Program Learning Outcomes - A.S. Mathematics
2 Change Degree Requirements - A.S. Biology
2_Change Degree Requirements - A.S. Chemistry
2_Change in Degree Requirements - A.S Computer Science
2_Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Early Childhood Education_Child Care - Articulation Reference
2_Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Earth and Planetary Science
2_Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Education Studies
2_Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Engineering Science
2_Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Mathematics
2_Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Physics
2_Change in Degree Requirements - A.S. Science for Forensics
3_New Course - MAT 3000 - Introduction to Mathematical Concepts in Proof
3_New Course - MAT 9800 - Intermediate Algebra for STEM Majors
3_New Course - MAT 9900 - Pre-Calculus for STEM Majors
3_New Course - PEC 7200 - First Responders Physical Fitness Training
3_New Course with Pathways - ART 3350 - Medieval Art
3_New Course with Pathways - ENG 5400 - Introduction to Creative Writing
3_New Course with Pathways - PHI 6600 - Criminal Justice Ethics
4_Pathways - HIS 3200 - Modern China
4_Pathways - HIS 3700 - THe Middle East - World War I to the Present
5_Change in an Existing Course- HIS 1800 - U.S. History in a Global Context From Reconstruction to Present -Title and Description
5_Change in an Existing Course- MAT 1600 - Calculus II Credit-Hours
5_Change in an Existing Course- RPE 3600 - Assessment in Therapeutic Recreation - Prerequisite
5_Change in an Existing Course- BA _MAT 2200 - Business Statistics - Prerequisite and Credits-Hours
5_Change in an Existing Course- BIO_MAT 9100 - Biostatistics - Prerequisite
5_Change in an Existing Course- CHM 100, 200, EGR 2100, 2200, 2300, PHY 100, 1100, 1300, and 1400 - Pre_Co_and Pre-Co requisites
5_Change in an Existing Course- HIS 2000- The Immigrant in American Society - Title and Description
5_Change in an Existing Course- MAT 1400 - Analytic Geometry and Pre-Calculus Mathematics - Course Description
5_Change in an Existing Course- MAT 1500 - Calculus I - Prerequisite and Credit-Hours
5_Change in an Existing Course- MAT 2100 - Calculus III - Credit -Hours
5_Change to an Existing Course- MAT 2000 - Elements of Statistics - Prerequisite
5_Change to an Exisitng Course- MAT 800 - Practical Mathematics for Today's World - Credit-Hours and Pathways
5_Change to an Existing Course- CS 1200 - Introduction to Computing - Pre-Co-requisite
5_Change to an Existing Course- MAT 900 - College Algebra - Prerequisite and Course Description
6_Deletions - ART 6600, 6700, and 4200