KCC Welcome Wagon
Ricardo, The Man With A Plan
This is Ricardo. Ricardo will enter @cunykcc as a freshman this fall and will be the first in his family to earn a college degree. Ricardo will be a Culinary Arts major. Ricardo is a man with a plan to make some flan!!!
Sevinch one of our newest students
What do you call a high school student who got in front of her college degree by enrolling in Kingsborough Community College’s College Now program to earn college credit, and has aspirations serve on the frontline of patient care? I call her Sevinch one of our newest students heading to Kingsborough this fall to start a major in Nursing! #kccwelcomewagon
KCC Welcome Wagon Travels to Shaolin
CUNY Kingsborough #WelcomeWagon recently took a road trip to the shore of Shaolin to welcome new incoming student Keaira. They both received a special treat -- Keaira, KCC Swag and President Schrader -- a unique tour of Port Richmond's outside art.
A KCC Family Legacy Continues
Recently, the CUNY Kingsborough #WelcomeWagon found its way to Jonathan. He's not the first in his family to attend #CUNYkcc; he is the latest in the long list of #KCCLegacies: his dad, his grandmother and his sisters all attended Kingsborough. We had the pleasure of knowing one sister, Diane, when she served as the SGA President. Sadly, she passed away a few months after completing her degree. We know she would be proud of her brother. Jonathan is a computer science major. #CUNYkcc President Schrader suggested to him to consider continuing the legacy of his sister Diane and become a member of the SGA, but he has another extracurricular interest on his mind: #WAVE #basketball. Let's cheer for Jonathan's success on and off the court!
KCC Welcome Wagon Greets Natakii
After filling up the CUNY Kingsborough #WelcomeWagon gas tank President Schrader and Dr. Johana I. Rivera #CUNYKCC's VP hit the road to greet our newest student: Natakii our soon-to-be Business Administration major, but it turns out that a second welcome was in order. Later that day, Natakii’s four year-old was accepted to KCC’s Child Care Center. Now we have 2 from the same family at the same time! How awesome is that!#communitycollege #studentsuccess #studentsupport
#KCC WelcomeWagon Visits Ryan
The latest CUNY Kingsborough Welcome Wagon was heartwarming. Let me give you some background first. Long before President Schrader became a college president she was a Special Educator and worked with infants and toddlers with sensory impairments, developmental delays and special needs. So when she learned that a new student who has autism was heading to KCC in the fall, “I was over the moon to welcome him and his mom to our community.” Welcome Ryan to #CUNYkcc Shout out to all the #specialeducators #appliedbehavioranalysts #speechtherapists, #occupationaltherapists #physicaltherapists #moms and #dads for pouring into those students who need a bit more and helping them get to the next level.
The #KCCWelcomeWagon hits the road, with the GPS giving directions to #Queens to welcome a Queen and a future nurse! She told President Schrader how much she already loves CUNY/Kingsborough Community College and Schrader told her how much she hates needles. #kccwelcomewagon.
As high school students Ashora and Jordan participated in College Now. After two years at Kingsborough, they completed all their courses. She's off to John Jay and he is off to the world of work.
In the two years since we visited Juliana, she completed her degree, got a new job,
and is getting ready to transfer to John Jay!
Catching up with Anthony two years later after his Welcome Wagon Visit. He finished his degree early and transferred to John Jay!
We hit the road to welcome Brianna who is thinking about playing basketball for KCC, and Ashley who is definitely joining the Volleyball team.
If you think college isn’t for you -- or that it’s too late to earn your degree -- think again. In June 2020, at CUNY Kingsborough the #WelcomeWagon pulled up on Saiad. What a journey it's been! #CUNYStart #ASAP #Transfer #Internship It's fate that he's interested in #WealthManagement 'cause his future is rich with opportunities! ASAP at Kingsborough Community College Baruch College #CommunityCollege #adultlearner.
Just another beautiful day on the @cunykcc #WelcomeWagon in the County of Kings #Brooklyn welcoming a future Physical Therapist and a future Computer Scientist to KCC. Watch out world!
It's a late afternoon Welcome Wagon ride, but this adult learner/ first-year student proves it’s never too late to pursue your dreams! And she did
it by way of the KCC pathway!
#KCCWelcomeWagon rides again!
One thing about me, I’m always excited to welcome new students to @cunykcc and my
stomach is always particularly extra excited to welcome new culinary students😋. Welcome,
Stephanie!! Coming to a culinary classroom kitchen near you!
KCC Welcome Wagon
Spreading Greetings the KCC Way
Less than a month left before the start of the semester, and we hit the streets of #EastNY #Bushwick #RedHook with Cass Conrad, Executive Director of the Petrie Foundation to welcome Donte, Chelsea, and Jacob to Kingsborough Community College. Spreading greetings … that’s the Brooklyn and KCC way!! 🧡💙
Welcome to the College By the Sea
Many tales about undersea treasures, but it was a pleasure to welcome these treasures to CUNY Kingsborough , the college by the sea: a DJ changing her tune to Surgical Tech, Jacqueline Jed'eye Cohen, and an Advanced Open Water Diver who will be diving into a major in Surgical Tech too!
#KCC WelcomeWagon Visits Ryan
The latest CUNY Kingsborough Welcome Wagon was heartwarming. Let me give you some background first. Long before President Schrader became a college president she was a Special Educator and worked with infants and toddlers with sensory impairments, developmental delays and special needs. So when she learned that a new student who has autism was heading to KCC in the fall, “I was over the moon to welcome him and his mom to our community.” Welcome Ryan to #CUNYkcc Shout out to all the #specialeducators #appliedbehavioranalysts #speechtherapists, #occupationaltherapists #physicaltherapists #moms and #dads for pouring into those students who need a bit more and helping them get to the next level.
Welcome Wagon Takeover with USS Chairperson Juvanie Piquant
Our amazing CUNY students typically take my breath away and Juvanie Piquant-- CUNY Student Trustee, USS Chairperson, City Tech Law and Paralegal Studies major is no exception... except yesterday she took my job away too. Kingsborough Community College's Welcome Wagon happily hijacked to bring our newest transfer students warm greetings and wishes for a great semester.
KCC Welcome Wagon the official carrier of warm greetings and KCC SWAG
As cold as yesterday was, only a trip to the islands (Staten Island and Coney Island) to welcome Alex a US Army Veteran and Andy a new CUNY ASAP student kcc could warm me up! #KCCWelcomeWagon the official carrier of warm greetings and KCC SWAG.
The future is looking up for our new students @CUNYkcc
from the Boogie Down!
The #KCCWelcomeWagon is on the move again ... bringing a warm welcome, KCC SWAG, and students closer to their goals!
KCC Welcome Wagon is Rolling Again!!
Different weather, different shoes; same joy, same mission: Delivering bags of SWAG and a warm welcome to KCC’s newest students! Welcome Wagon greets a future social worker and soon to be graphic artist!
Welcome Wagon discovers KCC Alumn
Brooklyn is always in the house! That time when the #KCCWelcomeWagon became the #KCCAlumniWagon.
We went to welcome her sister to @CUNYkcc and discovered that she was a KCC Alum and
current @BklynCollege411 student!! @BCPresAnderson She got a KCC degree now she gets
a t-shirt!!
Welcome Wagon Greets Awesome No. 48, 49 & 50
Savored the last of 50🎉 #KCCWelcomeWagon rides. Xtra special because we welcomed recent
graduates from @ClaraBartonHS @NewUtrechtHS and It Takes A Village Academy who were
also #KCC College Now students! @CollegeNowLiveKCC @CUNYCollegeNow @CUNYWC
Welcome to KCC #48, #49 & #50!
You Can Pause and Then Start Again<
Just because you stopped, doesn't mean you can't start again. Excited to welcome Nakita back to #CUNYkcc! Readmitted and ready to go!! #KCCWelcomeWagon
The Ultimate Vehicle for Economic and Social Mobility
We’re 2 days away from the last #KCCWelcomeWagon and Ajustice is two years away from
the ultimate vehicle for economic and social mobility: a college degree!! First stop
for this criminal justice major: @CUNYkcc, next stop: @JohnJayCollege @JohnJayPres
Meet the KCC Business Bunch!
We welcomed business majors Zamanbek, Javon and Nathali to @CUNYkcc. They already
made the shrewd decision to attend #communitycollege where their degrees are affordable
and transferable; and their success is achievable! #KCCWelcomeWagon.
Flexing in CUNYkcc Swag
These new students got a special delivery from the #KCCWelcomeWagon. Now they’re Flexing in @CUNYKcc swag. #KCCFlex is the affordable and flexible way for adults to earn or finish their degree. For more info or to 🗣‘Chat Live’ with a FLEX Advisor go to https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/kccflex/index.htm
Riding with Senator Persaud
What an honor to ride side by side in the #KCCWelcomeWagon with @SenatorRoxannePersaud
to welcome Adrian, @USArmyVeteran and now Criminal Justice major to @CUNYkcc! John
Jay College of Criminal Justice you got next!! @CUNYVets @CUNYWC
Council Member Barron rides shotgun with Welcome Wagon
The #KCCWelcomeWagon made its way to East New York with @NYCCouncil Member Inez Barron
riding shotgun to welcome our new Art major and future Illustrator to @CUNYkcc. She
will be the third woman in her family to attend college and the second to graduate!
Her future is #pictureperfect!
State Senator Andrew Gounardes joined in on KCC Welcome Wagon Visits
The KCCWelcomeWagon hit the streets of Brooklyn to welcome our newest Kingsborough Community College students. President Schrader rode shotgun with a bag of KCCSWAG and State Senator Andrew Gounardes drove home the importance of registering to vote and completing #Census2020
Today’s #KCCWelcomeWagon is sponsored by Lisa our Awesome Admission Advisor who helps
coordinate our Wagon activities... including her daughter’s!! In 2 years, Lauren will
join her grandmother, uncle and mom’s fiancé when she becomes a @CUNYkcc graduate!!
KCC Welcome Wagon Welcomes New Culinary Arts Student<
The #KCCWelcomeWagon made its way to the Bronx to welcome a new Culinary Arts student. She got #CUNYkcc SWAG and after many tries, I almost got the recipe for her famous muffins!
Pulled up in the #KCCWelcomeWagon
Pulled up in the #KCCWelcomeWagon, rolled out the orange and blue carpet and gifted SWAG to this working woman and soon to be #KCCFlex student! KCCFlex, an affordable and flexible way for adults to earn or finish their degree.@CUNYkcc @CUNYSPS @GraduateNYC kbcc.cuny.edu/kccflex/index
NYC Councilwoman Ampry Samuels rides shotgun in the Welcome Wagon
Made room in the Welcome Wagon for NYC Councilwoman Alicka Ampry Samuel (Brooklyn’s 41st District) to congratulate and welcome Dequan (who lives in her district) to Kingsborough. The future is bright and in 3D for this Graphic Designer: Dynamic, Divine and Delightful!
Welcome Wagon: ASAP Edition
We heard that Jessica, Noyicha and Arianna were excited to start at KCC through ASAP: Accelerated Study in Associate Programs. So we loaded up the Welcome Wagon and got to them ASAP to give them some SWAG.
It's a Family Affair
What’s better than meeting excited students? Meeting excited parents of Walter and Giovanni with Lisa our KCC Admissions Officer who helped to make the Welcome Wagon magic happen.
Welcome Class
On the road in Brooklyn to meet up with an aspiring engineer, OBGYN, detective and computer scientist. We’re proud of Daniel, Jamilyah, Kenett and Gardy who are a part of the incoming Class !
Welcome Wagon at the Dock of the Bay
Captain John Nappo, director of the KCC Maritime Technology Program and Prof. Conrad
Kreuter joined President Schrader in Long Island as she welcomed Nicholas (at his
job) to KCC.
A King in Queens
Welcome Wagon met a King in Queens on his 15-minute work break. He studied on his own for his GED, will major in Criminal Justice, then go to John Jay and eventually fulfill his dream of becoming a judge. He was over the moon because of our visit. But the honor was all mine.
Congratulations! We’re Having Twins!
The Tuachi triplets decided to make CUNY their academic home. While Rachel is heading to Brooklyn College, KCC is fortunate to welcome Isabella and Jacob as new students.
It was supposed to rain in Brooklyn on this day, but we were happy to meet and welcome three rays of sunshine, Charment, Jagger and Isabella to the KCC family.
Welcome Wagon Belt Parkway Chronicles
Headed to Queens to welcome Saiad excited to start at KCC 6 years after graduating from high school then makes wy way to Brooklyn to welcome Mekhi a first year student and Maxwell a transfer student and his girlfriend who already calls KCC home.
A Future Journalist Grows in Brooklyn
Welcome Wagon head to Jeffrey and I met a kindred spirit. This soon to be Liberal
Arts major wants to be a journalist so his voice and other voices can be heard, and
he already has a lot to say.
Welcome Wagon Weekend Edition
We headed out on a Saturday to the South Bronx to meet Liahna, our soon to be Maritime Technology major. We brought the SWAG and she brought the sun!
A Delightful Afternoon in the Boogie Down Bronx
A special delivery of SWAG for Amani our future EMT.
Riding the Wave in Brooklyn
The Welcome Wagon headed to East NY then Bensonhurst to welcome Romeo and Salvatore to KCC. What a treat to learn that they were both ready to hit the ground running, pitching and catching for the KCC Wave Men’s Baseball Team.
Welcome Wagon Inaugural Ride
Our inaugural Welcome Wagon. Sorta like the Prize Patrol from Publishers Clearing House, but only better as traveled throughout Brooklyn and met Breana and Barrington and to Staten Islands to meet Kayla and gift them with SWAG bags.