2/17/15: 99 Voices Teach Ferguson
99 VOICES: A KCC Social Justice Collective Dialogue | Education | Transformation
~~~~ 99 Voices Teach Ferguson: A KCC Symposium Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 MAC Rotunda (M-240)
Video of the final session: A Public Dialogue on Ferguson: http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/236/
Click here to see:
Links to Readings for 3 Sessions: It is NOT required that you read the items for the sessions you attend. But we wanted to make these readings available to anyone who would like to read them before the day of the conference. Text for Session 3: Helen-Margaret Nasser & Farin Kautz:: Oppositional Consciousness: The Subjective Roots of Social Protest: ~~ Two texts for Session 4: Hank Williams: "Amos Wilson and the Structuring of Black Criminality": Amos Wilson and the Structuring of Black Criminality and NY Times Op-Ed Column: Charles Blow: At Yale, the Police Detained My Son ~~ Text for Session 5: Kevicha Echols, "The Silent Advantage: Understanding White Privilege": http://umc-gbcs.org/content/articles/Undoing_Racism_-_White_Privilege_-_McIntosh.pdf ~~~~