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PAY Statement



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(A)Pay Period and Pay Date

Pay period is the period covered by the payment. Pay date is the date your check is issued or the date your direct deposit is credited to your bank account.

Each bi-weekly pay period begins on a Sunday, runs two weeks, and ends on a Saturday. The pay period shown on your pay statement indicates the dates for which you are being paid for regular hours worked. If you are a full-time employee, a part-time support staff employee, Continuing Education Teacher or Non-Teaching Adjunct these dates accurately reflect the period covered by your payroll check. If you are a teaching adjunct faculty member or a CLIP (Hourly), however, these dates do not accurately reflect the period covered by your payroll check. This is due to the unique payment calculation method utilized for paying teaching adjuncts and CLIP (Hourly). (Click Here to view Calculation of Pay section.)

(B) Payroll #

The payroll number "465" identifies the agency as Kingsborough Community College.

(C) Work Unit

Work Unit designates employee classifications for timekeeping purposes. The following Work Units are currently in use at Kingsborough:

Full-time Faculty
F/T Non-Teaching Instructional (HEO's)
Administrators and Union Excluded HEO's
Executive Compensation Pay Plan
White Collar
O7OO Blue Collar (Not Security)
Blue Collar (Security)
Blue Collar (Other)
Skilled Trade (Section 220) Titles
P/T Faculty (Adjuncts)
Continuing Education Teachers
College Laboratory Technicians
College Assistants, Staff Nurses (Hourly), CUNY Custodial Assistants (Hourly)
Student Aides
Research Foundation Grants
CETS (Not Continuing Education)

(D)Check Number

The check number is the City's payment number. If a "Z" precedes the number, your pay is deposited directly to your bank account. If a "C" precedes the number, your pay is being made available to you via a paper check.

(E)Distribution Number

The distribution number refers to payroll distribution codes used for sorting of payroll checks. The following Distribution Numbers are currently in use at Kingsborough:

AAA Full-time Faculty
FTS Full-time Support Staff
41AD Adjunct Faculty (Not Collaborative Programs)
41CN Adjunct Faculty (Collaborative Programs)
42CN Faculty Overloads (related to Collaborative Programs)
42FT Faculty Overloads
51CA College Assistants/Student Aides (Continuing Education)
51CE Continuing Education Teachers
61CA College Assistants/Student Aides (not Continuing Education); also includes
CUNY Custodial Assistants (Hourly), Staff Nurses (Hourly), Sign Language Interpreters,
and Disability Accommodation Specialists

(F) Pension Number

Your pension number is shown if you are a member of one of New York City's pension systems. Contact Detrice McPhatter, Benefits Officer, Room A-207, extension 6525, if you believe there is a discrepancy.

(G) Electronic Fund Transfer Information

Your bank's ABA number is shown here. This is a routing number that identifies your banking institution and is utilized for direct deposit of net pay.


JSN identifies your Job Sequence Number. The JSN is a one (1) digit code assigned to each job an employee has on PMS. An employee may have two or more active jobs in the same agency in which case he/she will have multiple JSN's on the PMS System (e.g. a faculty member may have a JSN 1 designation on a full-time position and a JSN 2 on an overload position).

(I) Federal MS/Exempt

Your withholding status including marital status and number of withholding allowances for federal tax withholding purposes. This reflects information you submitted on your W-4 Withholding Allowance Certificate.

Marital Status:

A is single
B is married
C is unspecified

If you believe that there is a problem with your federal tax withholding on your payroll check, please contact the Human Resources Office immediately. We will review our records to insure that payroll information appearing on the PMS system is consistent with information provided by you on your W-4 Withholding Allowance Certificate.

(J) State MS/Exempt

Your withholding status including marital status and number of withholding allowances for state tax withholding purposes. This reflects information you submitted on your IT-2104 New York State Withholding Allowance Certificate.

Marital Status:

A is single
B is married
C is unspecified

If you believe that there is a problem with your state tax withholding on your payroll check, please contact the Human Resources Office immediately. We will review our records to insure that payroll information appearing on the PMS system is consistent with information provided by you on your IT-2104 Withholding Allowance Certificate.

(K) Reference Number

Reference number is an employee identification number that is automatically assigned to the employee by the PMS system and is unique to each employee.

(L) CD Number

Check Digit is a one-digit code between 0-9 automatically assigned to an employee by the PMS System based on the employee's Social Security Number. PMS transactions cannot be processed if the check digit does not match the employee's Social Security Number. The check digit assists the PMS system in checking against errors.

(M) Employee Name

Your name is shown here as it appears in PMS. Please contact the Human Resources Office if there are any spelling errors, or if your name has changed.

(N) Total Earnings This Period and Year To Date

Total earnings this period includes all earnings in this pay period. Total earnings year to date is based on the current calendar year beginning with the first pay period in January. As long as the pay date occurs within the current calendar year, the total monies paid for the pay period, regardless of actual date earned, will be included in the current year to date figure.

(O) Federal Tax, Social Security, Medicare, State Tax, City Tax

These are the amounts withheld as required by federal, state, and local laws and depend upon your earnings, marital status, and number of withholding allowances.

(P) City Waiver

The City Waiver is an additional withholding for City employees who live outside the City and subject to the requirements of Section 1127 of the New York City Charter. It is our understanding that Section 1127 of the New York City Charter does not apply to employees of the City University of New York.

(Q) Total Deductions This Period

Total deductions this period indicates the sum of your taxes and all other deductions which may include health insurance, union dues, pension contributions, pre-tax benefit programs, CUNY Campaign deductions, etc.

(R) Earnings Data

Earnings data provides specific information regarding earnings paid in this period.

  • Description, Units/Hours, Amt. Earned This Period specifies the hours worked and amount earned during the period printed under Pay Period at the top of the pay stub.
  • A "Misc. Pay" notation appearing in the Earnings Data section might refer to a variety of different items, including:
    • Annual Leave Lump Sums for College Assistants at the conclusion of the fiscal year
    • Annual Leave Lump Sums for employees who are terminating their employment at the College
    • Substitutions
    • Hourly faculty assignments of a short duration being paid upon completion via a One-time Lump Sum payment

The Human Resources Office strongly recommends that you retain your pay stubs for future reference, if needed. There is only one pay stub produced by the PMS System for each payroll check or direct deposit generated on a given paydate. The Payroll Distribution Office distributes that pay stub to each employee. Our office, therefore, does not have duplicate pay stubs available for distribution.

Our office will send out Personnel Data Forms (PDF's) to faculty members, which will include specific information on items included in their payroll checks. Every effort will be made to have each PDF include the payroll date(s) on which the item of pay is expected to be included. These PDF's are mailed out after payroll checks have been issued. Faculty members are advised to review the appropriate pay stub when they receive a PDF to confirm that payment was received as described on the PDF form.

(S) Leave Balances As Of (Applies ONLY to Full-time and Part-time Support Staff)

The date through which your leave balances are shown. The PMS system does not provide timekeeping capabilities for any of our faculty titles. The PMS system, therefore, does not provide Leave Balances information for any faculty titles. We recommend that Part-time Support Staff communicate with their timekeeper in HR to ensure time and leave balance is up-to-date.

(T) Net Pay

Your net pay is the difference between this period's total earnings (gross pay) and this period's total deductions.

(U) Description, Balance Available HH:MM

The type of leave balances in hours and minutes are shown here for support staff employees only.

The use of leave balances is considered an exception event and is recorded on a two-week lag. The "Leave Balance As Of" date reflects the two-week lag.

Leave accruals will appear on pay stubs as follows for the remainder of the current calendar year (

(V) Other Itemized Deductions

Other itemized deductions indicate what deductions are for, amounts deducted, and, if applicable, goal amounts and number of installments remaining (e.g. applicable for pension loans). There is sufficient room for eight deductions on most pay stubs. If you have more than eight deductions, seven will be detailed and the remainder will be combined in the last entry with an accompanying notation of "Other". Please contact the Human Resources Office for information on what specific deduction(s) are included under the "Other" designation.

Some of the more common itemized deduction designations, which might appear on your pay stub, are as follows:

G-CBP EMPE GHI Comprehensive Benefits Plan
HIP FO IND HIP/HMO Full Option Individual
HIP FO FAM HIP/HMO Full Option Family
US HEALTH IND US Health Care Individual
US HLTH FAM US Health Care Family
TIA 414H STD TIAA Pension Plan
TR PN STD TRS Pension System Standard
NYC 414H STD New York City Employees Retirement System Pension System
CH 96 BASIC Chapter 96 Pension-Basic 414H (Pertains to NYCERS Pension System)
PSC HRC TDA PSC (HRC) Tax Deferred Annuity
TIAA TDA TIAA Tax Deferred Annuity
TRS TDA TRS Tax Deferred Annuity
COPELAND TDA Copeland Tax Deferred Annuity
TR PN LNS TRS Pension System - Loans
NYC PN LNS NYCERS Pension System - Loans
PSC FED CRED Professional Staff Congress Federal Credit Union
MUNI CRDT UN Municipal Credit Union

* Please note that an itemized deduction with the notation "PSC-CUNY WF" indicates a deduction being made by the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund. Instructional staff employees enroll in the various available optional plans (e.g. Optional Life Insurance, Optional Disability Insurance, Long-Term Care Coverage, etc.) directly with the Welfare Fund; therefore, this information is not available in the Office of Human Resources. For information regarding items included in this deduction, please contact the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Office at 61 Broadway, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10006 (212) 354-5230.