- Anatomy and Physiology
- Unit 1: Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Lesson 1.Introduction and Study Techniques
- Lesson 2. Organ system
- Lesson 3. Level of Organization
- Lesson 4. Homeostasis Part1
- Lesson 5. Homeostasis Part2
- Lesson 6. Lab1-monitoring homeostasis
- Lesson 7. Unit 1 -quiz#1
- Lesson 8. Anatomical Terms 1
- Lesson 9. Anatomical Terms 2
- Lesson 10. Lab 2- rat dissection part 1
- Lesson 11. Lab 2- rat dissection part 2
- Lesson 12. Unit 1- Quiz #2
- Unit 2: The Cell and It’s Environment
- Lesson 1. Lab 1- The use of the Compound Light Microscope
- Lesson 2. Comparativ
- Lesson3. The generalized celle sizes of objects
- Lesson 4. Mitosis
- Lesson 5. Unit 2, quiz #1
- Lesson 6. Cell cycle
- Lesson 7. Lab 2- Observations and drawings of Human cells
- Lesson 8. Unit 2, quiz #2
- Lesson 9. MovemeLesson
- 10. Lab 3- Exercises to demonstrate filtration, diffusion and osmosisnts of materials across membranes
- Lesson 11. Unit 2, quiz #3
- Unit 3: Cellular Chemistry
- Lesson 1. Introduction to Chemistry
- Lesson 2. Basic definitions and concepts
- Lesson 3. Isotopes and radioactivity
- Lesson 4. Unit 3- quiz #1
- Lesson 5. Ions
- Lesson 6. Chemical bonds and water
- Lesson 7. Unit 3- quiz
- Lesson 8. Mixtures#2
- Lesson 9. Acids, bases and the concept of pH
- Lesson 10. Chemical reactions
- Lesson 11. Unit 3- quiz #3
- Unit 4: Biomolecules, Cell Architecture and Cellular Molecular Function
- Lesson 1. The biomolecule: Introduction and the Carbohydrates
- Lesson 2. Complex carbohydrates and demonstration
- Lesson 3. Unit 4- quiz #1
- Lesson 4. The Lipids- Introduction, functions and demonstration
- Lesson 5. Types of lipids and transport
- Lesson 6. Unit 4- quiz #2
- Lesson 7. The Proteins- Introduction, demonstration and structure
- Lesson 8. Protein functions and metabolism
- Lesson 9. Proteins as Enzymes
- Lesson 10. Demonstration or student activity
- Lesson 11. Unit 4, quiz #3
- Lesson 12. Taking a deeper look at Cellular Membranes
- Lesson 13. Taking a deeper look at cellular structure
- Lesson 14. The Nucleic acids and related compounds and student experiment at home
- Lesson 15. Taking a deeper look at cellular nucleic acids and their functions
- Lesson 16. Unit 4- quiz #4
- Unit 5: Tissues, Membranes and Glands
- Lesson 1. Introduction to Tissues and Epithelial Tissues
- Lesson 2. Types of Cellular Junctions
- Lesson 3. Lab 1- Observing and Drawing Epithelial Tissues
- Lesson 4. Unit 5- quiz #1
- Lesson 5. Conne
- Lesson 6. Connective Tissue Types- Fibrous Connective Tissuective Tissue Basics
- Lesson 7. Connective Tissue Types- Specialized (Modified) Connective Tissues
- Lesson 8. Lab 2- Observing and drawing Connective Tissue
- Lesson 9. Unit 5- quiz #2
- Lesson 10. Other Tissues: Muscular and Nervous
- Lesson 11. Introduction to Membranes and Glands
- Lesson 12. Unit 5- quiz #3
- Unit 6: Integumentary System
- Unit 7: Skeletal System
- Unit 8: Muscular System
- Unit 9: Nervous System Introductory Concepts
- Unit 10: The Central Nervous System - The Spinal Cord
- Unit 11: The Central Nervous System - The Brain
- Unit 12: The Autonomic Nervous System and Smooth Muscle