Message to the Campus
Message to the College Community
From: President
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Call for Volunteers to Serve: KCC Business and Operations Standards Taskforce
Dear Colleagues,
There is rarely a time that I post on the KCC Alumni Linked-In page about the college, an alum, faculty or students that the comment section does not light up with glowing remarks from alumni. They are effusive about how much they love and miss the college, how the college changed their lives and what a great institution KCC is.
From what I have observed, learned and come to know of KCC, is that we area we are a “high-touch” college. Our faculty and staff are warm and responsive. You actively engage with students, and often go above and beyond to help students and each other.
While our pivot to online learning and remote operations was difficult, we managed to continue to maintain our stellar reputation. Unfortunately, in our virtual/remote environment there seems to be emerging patterns (evidenced in complaints by students and staff) of phone calls and emails that go unanswered during business hours (and for days at times) in offices; and in some instances, students are reporting less than optimal customer service experiences.
We all know that in addition to our outstanding programs and high graduation rates, many students choose to come to KCC because of how we engage with students. However, at a time in the University where the majority of campuses (and especially community colleges) are experiencing an enrollment crunch, and online learning has equalized access to all colleges, we cannot afford to lose students and more importantly we cannot allow students to curtail their academic pursuits because of a negative experience.
We know that a full return to campus will not occur immediately, as such it is critical that we address this matter as soon as we can and as a community. I am asking for 5-8 volunteers to serve on a new and hopefully short-term Business and Operations Standards Taskforce, a small, but mighty team (which will also include a student, appointed my me) to develop a set of business operations standards that can be employed across the college. The opportunity to serve is open to all members of the college community.
I am grateful that Judy Cohen who also shares my concerns, has agreed to serve as the chair of Taskforce. A co-chair will be selected from among the final membership of the committee.
The goal of the Taskforce will be to develop and submit draft standards and related recommendations (regarding efforts we can take to improve our operations) to me by June 1st.
If you are interested in serving, please email Dr. Sutton-Young no later than March 31, 2021.
Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.
-President Schrader