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President's Messages

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President's Messages

We're back!

From:  President
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022

Dear College Community,

Our 70/30 schedule goes into effect on Monday, February 28, 2022.  By now you should have conferred with your respective supervisors to determine your schedule and have completed your remote work agreement.  

Given what we experienced at the height of the pandemic, I couldn’t imagine, yet I hoped for, the day that we would return to campus as a community, and now, here we are.  

A lot has changed since March 2020.  The pandemic has affected us all differently, but I know we continue to share the same fundamental mission: ensuring that students achieve their academic goals, and preparing them for transfer, employment, success and to make a difference in the world.  

Colleagues, students are coming (thanks to our incredible faculty, and our Enrollment Management, Student Affairs, Advisement, Academic Affairs, Academic Departments, Continuing Education and Workforce Development, Communications and Marketing, and Information Technology staff) and they are excited about coming to Kingsborough to earn their college degree.  They are looking forward to making friends (we know from our own experiences that these will be friendships that last a lifetime).  Many who had less than favorable experiences in their final high school years are excited about being on a college campus for the first time.  Others have shared with me that learning online was challenging; and for many, their homes were less than optimal learning environments.  They are coming and it is important that we are here for them.  

Even as we are also excited to return to campus, I know that this increased return to in-person operations, teaching and learning— our principal way of functioning as a college—may be difficult for some. I ask that we be patient and understanding as we become reacquainted with each other and navigate this new way of being together again at KCC.  

I would like to thank the Forward Committee, our local PSC Chapter, the Department of Human Resources, the Division of Finance and Administration, Public Safety, and the KCC COVID Response Team for all their efforts to ensure our safe return to campus.

Many thanks,
President Schrader