Human Resources
Frequently Asked Benefit Questions
If the answer to your question isn't here, contact us and we will assist you.
As long as you are working and have medical coverage through an employer Medicare is secondary. If you retire and you are allowed to take your health insurance with you as a retiree, Medicare becomes primary.
Health care coverage is available to Adjuncts through the PSC/CUNY Welfare Fund providing they meet the following service requirements:
Non-teaching Adjuncts who are working ten or more hours per week for two consecutive semesters and Adjuncts who are teaching six or more hours (or the equivalent) in the semester and who have taught one or more courses for two consecutive semesters (not including summer and winter sessions), and are not covered by other primary health care insurance provided by or through another source are eligible for the health benefits. Adjuncts who establish eligibility as provided in this paragraph, which is based upon CUNY-wide service, shall be eligible to receive benefits in the third consecutive semester. Such benefit shall be partially contributory by the employee.
Teaching Adjuncts who meet the six-hour requirement teaching at more than one CUNY institution are responsible for notifying each college of their employment at another college. If you do not, and a college reports that you are teaching less than six hours, your health coverage will be terminated. You will then receive a COBRA notice.
If you do not bring any additional hours to our attention within the time indicated on the COBRA letter, your coverage WILL BE TERMINATED AND WILL NOT BE REINSTATED THIS SEMESTER.
An adjunct who has established eligibility for this health benefit shall lose eligibility if in any two out of three academic years the adjunct is employed in only one semester of the year at CUNY.