Kingsborough Learning Center
Studying that fits your schedule
24/7 online tutoring for Kingsborough College students!
Kingsborough College offers FREE on-demand, online tutoring through . Stuck on a problem? Want someone to review your paper? This service is easy to use and can be accessed on any device that connects to the Internet. Tutors are available to you 24/7—even at 2:00 a.m.!
When you log in to your free account, you'll be able to:
Connect one-on-one with one of 3,000+ highly qualified tutors
View recordings of your previous sessions
Drop off an essay for review and feedback
Save your favorite tutors and see their schedule of availability
Student Success Video Library:
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there tutoring available for my classes?
Tutors are available to help you across a wide range of subjects, such as:
Math, English, Science and much more
How do I access the tutoring services?
- .Log-in to your Brightspace account-
- Click on any of your courses
- Click on the tutoring services link, you will be directed to the homepage
- Click on the top where it says, “connect with a tutor”.
- Choose the subject and topic you want tutoring in.
- A tutor will come online to assist you within approximately 2 minutes.