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Meet Your Student Government

2023-2024 Student Government Association


Filza Ali | VP of Legislative Affairs

Filza Ali

Born in Pakistan, Filza Ali moved to Brooklyn at the age of 12. While she was first drawn to KCC because of the choice of majors it offered, as a student, she’s come to appreciate the College’s diverse community. She firmly believes in the importance of inclusivity and unity within the student body.


Inspired by her high school economics teacher and fueled by the desire to own a business and be her own boss, Filza chose business administration as her major. Despite challenges with time management in the past, Filza is determined to overcome obstacles and excel academically.


Her involvement with SGA began thanks to one of her English professors, who recognized her leadership potential. Her goal as a member of the student government is to help fellow students discover the many opportunities available to them during their college journey.


Looking ahead, Filza plans to graduate in June 2024 and continue her education by transferring to either Hunter or Baruch College to pursue a bachelor's degree. She envisions a future where she holds a bachelor's in business and a job aligned with her expertise in the field—options such as business consulting, financial analysis, market research, and management analysis are all on her radar.


To those starting their college journey, she advises them not to be afraid of failure; learn to embrace it. “Falling makes you a better lander and teaches you the importance of getting back up again.”


Her passion for learning extends beyond her academic pursuits. She possesses an impressive knack for languages, proficiently speaking three, and excels in the art of cooking.