Safe Zone
Safe Zone Program
Looking for a place at Kingsborough where you can feel safe?
Look for this logo on office doors around campus.
It means one of our 160+ allies works there!
The Safe Zone program is designed to address the issues faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
students, faculty, and staff.
Its most concrete goal is to identify and educate campus members who will become Safe
Zone Allies--a campus-wide network of committed individuals who serve as the first
points of contact for those who need to speak to a caring person about LGBTQIA+ issues.
In a broader sense, the existence of a thriving Safe Zone program will send a message
to all members of the Kingsborough community that LGBTQIA+ people are welcome members
of that community. And as the program grows, we hope that it will promote a general
atmosphere of respect on campus--an atmosphere that welcomes diversity in many forms.
Special thanks to CUE (Coordinated Undergraduate Education) and the KCTL (Kingsborough Center for Teaching and Learning) for financial and administrative support.