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Message to the Campus

Message to the Campus

From:  President
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Dear Campus Community,

I didn't realize I was holding my breath for almost a year until I exhaled yesterday after hearing the verdict in George Floyd's murder case.  My momentary relief was short-lived and immediately replaced by overwhelming exhaustion, sadness, anger and guarded anticipation of what comes next-- not with regards to sentencing, but with regards to the need for systemic change--not just in policing, but in how we educate our children and what we teach them through our actions and messages about whose lives matter.

George Floyd is gone. His family is fatherless, sonless, and brotherless.There is no celebration for me just the overwhelming understanding about how much work has to be done within ourselves and with each other because that's where it starts.

-President Schrader