Message to the College Community
From: President
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2022
Dear College Community,
There is nothing I can say about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that you do not already know. There is probably no quote of his that I can highlight for you that you have not heard. As members of this community called higher education, we perhaps more than many professions, understand the importance of equality and it is through our work teaching and supporting student success, we ensure that everyone has equal access to and the opportunity to earn a college degree.
In reflecting on MLK today, my thoughts center on the notion of legacy and how we help students enhance their own legacies by helping them earn a college degree. I think about the thousands of students who have entered our gates and exited with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to make the world, their communities and their professions better places. Today, I also think about the legacy of Kingsborough as we prepare enter to our 60th year as an institution of excellence; and I think about and am grateful for all of you who make this possible. May the work that we do at Kingsborough and with each other speak loudly for us through our students for generations to come.
In the spirit of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy of service, please donate to the KBCC’s Bronx Fire Relief Drive. You can drop off canned goods, baby items, personal hygiene products, water, flashlights, batteries and cleaning products to the Office of Public Safety (L-202) starting tomorrow, Tuesday January 18 through Friday, February 4th between 10am and 5pm. The items we collect will be delivered to Bronx Community College for distribution to families who have been impacted.
Thank you and Happy Martin Luther King Day!
President Schrader