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Message to the Campus


Message/ Update to the College Community


Dear College Community,

What the world is experiencing this week is beyond description or comparison. Let me say unequivocally, I stand firmly against the violence, terrorism, and brutality that have been inflicted on the people of Israel and innocent civilians by Hamas.  I understand the feelings of anger, fear, grief, hopelessness and worry that darkens each hour.  It is dark for me too. I feel it because I care and I feel it through my friends, colleagues and students.  This is what hate does, it spreads both purposely and indiscriminately and ultimately envelopes every thought and action until it hurts.  There are no words I can offer that can provide solace, but I do I stand by what I shared with you when I first learned of the attack by Hamas on Israel on Saturday: prayers of peace are not enough, and we must act in ways that bring about peace.  We must act in ways that do not perpetuate the hate that is becoming more and more commonplace.  I will continue to act to ensure the safety and security of students, faculty and staff; to create spaces of community, support and constructive dialogue; to pray for the victims and families who have lost loved ones; and for a triumph of humanity over hate. 

I want to take this opportunity to provide a few important and related updates.

  • We have been working diligently with Public Safety to enhance security measures.  In addition to the installation of the security arms and tap and go ID stations, we will be developing a KCC Guest Registration protocol/system. Thank you to Public Safety and IT for their work in implementing these measures;
  • We have remaining funding from last year and are scheduled to receive additional funds for anti-Hate Programming with a focus on anti-Semitism and anti-Asian American and Pacific Islander hate;
  • Thank you to those who attended the Interfaith Meet and Greet on Wednesday.  We will be holding a community vigil this coming Wednesday, in memory of the victims of the Hamas attack; and
  • Next month we will have a ribbon cutting for our upgraded Intercultural Center spaces which includes two interfaith prayer rooms.

- President Schrader