William E. Grady High School Brooklyn, New York
By: Student Advisory Board Members - Catalina Lucero, Hugo Orellana
The joy of waking up to go to our job which is basically school for us, our paycheck
comes in knowledge and also helps us prepare for the future. Eventually after so much
time here at school it becomes our second home. Why not push yourself even further
though? Don't you want to have a little taste of what is coming up ahead? Experience
what it's like in a college classroom? That's where a program offered in 30+ high
schools around New York City is worthwhile taking. This program is known as COLLEGE NOW!
In William E. Grady where we currently attend, we have three College Now courses.
COM 11: Mass Communications - Instructor Ms. Willis. In this course, you learn about the different ways of media worldwide. If you are
interested in the history of television, film, radio etc, this is the class you MUST take.
ENG BW/W: Foundations for College-Level Reading - Instructor Mr. Downes. In this course, you are prepared for what is done in college - writing papers. This
course is very helpful if you want to improve your writing skills.
MATH: Introductory Mathematics - Instructor Ms. Glozman This is a course for those who say "I need some extra support so that I can pass my
Regents and graduate from high school". In this class, you will get the help to pass
your Geometry regent and graduate on time. If this is for you, sign up for it!
To sign up for these classes you can talk to our College Now Coordinator, Ms. Chaplin,
located in room 138. She will gladly help you with anything that you need, greatest
person in the whole school! We Love Her.
College Now Benefits! Over 60,000 students have taken advantage of this program. Research shows that College
Now students outperform students who don't participate. The College Now Program has
A LOT OF plus sides and here they are!
- Earn higher scores on college basic skills entrance exams
- Are more likely to enter baccalaureate programs
- Earn more degree credits per semester in college
- Have higher grade point averages in college
- Have significantly higher on-time graduation rates
- Earn college credits
- Improve basic skills
- Experience college while in high school
- Attend classes at your own school at a time convenient to your schedule
- Save on registration, tuition, and book fees
Here are some examples of what our school's classrooms look like for those who make
it into College Now.
(Photo left) This photo is from a College Now class, Mass Communications. Here you
see students doing group work, which is seen a lot in college projects. Projects are
something professors like to do so when college comes, we know we can work together
with our classmates. As you can see, everyone has their own role in this picture and
they look like they are eager to finish first.
(Photo right) Ms. Willis, helpful as always, tries to explain to her students using
examples from our Communications book. Course textbooks are provided to College Now students for free by Kingsborough Community College. In college you have to buy
your textbooks.
(Photo Left) Working hard for that A! All students are dedicated to their work, with pens in hand they have fun writing
in class.