TIME & MONEY are the most valuable things in our life. Enrolling in the College Now Program saves
TIME and MONEY! College Now offers VARIOUS FREE COLLEGE courses. We can earn up to 9 college credits at NO COST during our high school years. Furthermore, no matter which career field we are interested
in, College Now has a suited course for us to open our eyes to that particular field.
With all those valuable experiences we gain from taking distinct College Now classes,
we are ready for the college freshman tournament; even more advance, we are ready
to be juniors when we need to declare our major since we are very determined about
our major. College Now allows us to step ahead and achieve much more than our peers
while we are having the exact amount of time and money.
College Now course SCI 1 (Issues in Science). This class allows us to have the most updated information about science. We study
the current top issues such as cloning, stem cell research, genetic engineering and
so on. The most exciting part is that we are actually going to dissect eyes, hearts
and brains of animals. In that way, we get to understand the structure and how organs
function in a more sophisticated way. This course has been recognized as the most
fun and memorable class by almost all former students.
CollegeNow course BA 10 (Introduction to Business Administration). This is an introductory business course. It covers different topics that relate
to the competitive business world. The following are some topics that are covered:
Marketing and Investments, Stock, Exploring Global Business, Being Ethical and Socially
Responsible, Different forms of Business Ownership, Banking and Credit etc. It's an
extremely substantial course; within one semester, it really opens our eyes to the
business world!
College Now course HUM 1 (Sociology). This is an introduction class of the behaviors of the human society. It covers different
subjects such as social control in society, how the media affects humans and the different
types of influence they have on people, social status, and also human vs. nature etc.
This is an influential class that can have you wondering and questioning more about
humans and why certain actions are taken. This is one of many classes that will keep
you thinking and, before you know it, actually incorporating it into life without
even realizing it. It is one of many classes that is taught in a modern setting yet
connecting it with things that we do today and those of the past while always keeping
students well involved and informed.