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Nursing Program Retention Criteria




Criteria for retention in the Nursing Program mandates that students:

1. earn a minimum of a "C" grade in every required Nursing and co-requisite course inclusive of BIO 1200, BIO 5100, ENG 2400, PSY 3200 and SOC 3100;

2. who achieve a "C-" grade in required clinical nursing course may apply to repeat the course one time only in the semester immediately following, subject to space availability. The minimum grade for clinical courses that are repeated is a "B." The "Intent to Return to Nursing Course" form can be found on the KCC Website Nursing Department page under "Forms". This must be completed and include a plan of success that demonstrates significant changes in how they will approach the course when repeated. Only one required nursing course may be repeated. A grade of less than a "C" in a second nursing course will cause the student to be dismissed from the program;

3. must achieve a grade of "B" in order to pass NUR 1700. Students in NUR 1700 who achieve a failing grade of no less than "C-"may repeat the course one time only after submitting an "Intent to Return Form";

4. who enter Nursing 1700 and Nursing 1800 MUST complete the Nursing Program within four years from the date of entry into this course. Any student who has not attended nursing courses for two or more consecutive semesters cannot be readmitted into the Nursing Program unless qualifying examinations have been passed in the required nursing courses previously successfully
completed. Qualifying examinations may be repeated only once;

5. who are in the clinical component can only appeal the retention criteria one time;

6. who are in the clinical component can only withdraw once and must be passing to do so.
(1993; revised 2003; revised 2008; revised 2009, revised 2016)

(Required nursing courses: nursing 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400) 
(Co-requisite courses: biology 1200, biology 5100, English 2400, psychology 3200, sociology 3100)