Three things you must do to register at KCC
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1. Submit your MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccination if you have not already done so.
- If you are going to take 6 or more credits of in-person or hybrid credits you must
submit your MMR vaccination paperwork or a Titer test which demonstrates immunity
to MMR to Health Services (
- We do not accept screenshot of your documents.
2. Submit your Meningitis form if you have not already done so.
- If you are going to take 6 or more credits of in-person or hybrid credits you must
submit a Meningitis Response Form via CUNYfirst. CUNY students are NOT required to
have a Meningitis vaccine.
- Click on “Meningitis” in your “To Do List” and complete the electronic form and hit “Submit”
- Information on Public Health Laws 2165 and 2167 as well as Meningococcal Meningitis can be found here:
3. Complete SPARC (Sexual and interpersonal Violence Prevention And Response Course)
- All students are required to complete SPARC. Failure to complete your SPARC training will result in the inability to register in future semesters.
- You can access this free course in CUNYfirst please click here to access CUNYfirst.
- Once you log-in, find your “To-Do List” and click on “SPARC.” For more information
regarding SPARC please click here.
- Technical Questions? Please contact the Office of Information Technology Services at 718-368-6679 or via e-mail at
- Content Questions? Please e-mail us at
- Once you log-in, find your “To-Do List” and click on “SPARC.” For more information
regarding SPARC please click here.