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What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint?
Interviews & Photographs by Crisanthy Carvouniaris

One of the most damaging ways the environment gets further destroyed is by us humans. The carbon footprint, which is a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by any individual or company, can be reduced if only more people were aware of the disastrous effects it has on the atmosphere, and which leads to problems we are facing, like global warming. Industry threatens the ozone layer, as do cars, and cattle emissions. It may seem like those things are out of the individual's control, but there is actually a lot we can do, if only every single person could commit to making a few simple changes their daily routine, and therefore creating an effective collective initiative. Here are a few examples of students here at Kingsborough who are making an effort to reduce their carbon footprint.

What Can Journalism Do for Victims
by Norihide Miyazaki

The 9.0 magnitude earthquake, the following tsunami, and the deadly accidents at nuclear power plants might be the worst disaster in Japanese history.

This news becomes a top story almost every day in the U.S. media as well, so we are informed of the tremendous power the tsunami has caused thorough photos or video footage and the serious condition of stricken areas by reports.

But this tragedy is covered as an incident in a foreign country.

This urges me to reconsider, as a Japanese-American and journalist, what the media can or should do and what the role of the media is in a domestic disaster.