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Opting In

Should you opt in?

If you are a continuing student with 14 or fewer credits, it may be beneficial for you to opt in to the CUNY Common Core. To do that, you must meet with your advisor to evaluate your completed credits, determine if Pathways is right for you, and if necessary, complete the CUNY Common Core/Pathways Opt-In form.

If you are a continuing student who has 15-30 credits, you may choose to complete your existing degree requirements or opt in to the CUNY Common Core/Pathways. If you wish to opt in to the CUNY Common Core/Pathways, please note the following:

  • Be sure to meet with an academic advisor to make sure opting in is the most efficient route to your degree completion.
  • If you opt in to the CUNY Common Core/Pathways, the requirements for you major may change.
  • Once you opt in to the CUNY Common Core/Pathways, you may not change back to your previous degree requirements.

If you plan to change your major, you may choose to opt in to the CUNY Common Core or complete your existing degree requirements. Please discuss this decision with your advisor before you complete the Change of Major form, found in the Office of the Registrar (A-101).