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Learning Communities for Continuing Students

Learning Communities for Continuing Students

Learning communities without the First Year Seminar (SD 10) are appropriate for you as long as you have met prerequisites needed for every course in the link. Some of these learning communities may include a one-credit Integrative Seminar, which is designed to help support and integrate what you are learning in your other courses.

Some examples of a learning community for continuing students are:

Public Health and Health Literacy

This learning community links BIO11(Anatomy and Physiology) and BIO 5050 (integrative seminar) and help students learn basic math concepts under the umbrella of public health and health literacy themes. In Bio11, students are introduced to physiological mechanisms that maintain homeostasis and students are presented with a series of assignments on the homeostasis imbalance implicated in the state of disease. In Bio5050 students analyze public health data and case studies to practice the quantitative skills they gain and see the role of quantitative data on evaluation of public health issues, policies, and decisions. Students also use examples of neurodegenerative diseases to emphasize skill building such as information literacy and critical thinking.

Living Your Best Life

This learning community links Composition II (ENG 24) and Psychology 32. In this learning community students explore how we, as human beings who develop physically, cognitively, and psychosocially, can make the best decisions for our own well-being as we move through our lives.

The Pursuit of Happiness

This learning community links Composition II (ENG 24), History of Philosophy: The Classical Philosophers (PHIL 71), and an Integrative Seminar (ENG 5050), and asks the question. What really makes us happy? In this link, students explore happiness from a variety of perspectives (for example, ethical, sociological, and psychological, among others) and through a variety of assignments, readings, and films–many of which will be shared among the courses.

To learn about continuing learning communities that are currently being offered or to register for a continuing learning community, please contact:

Samantha Sierra at  or
Paula Risolo at 
West Academic Clusters, Room E-102
Telephone: 718-368-4903

Click here to see what students are saying about learning communities!