Lesson 1 - Introduction to Chemistry
Student Performance Objectives 1. Explain the significance of the order of ingredients in a food label. 2. Describe the difference between the main effect and the side effects of OTC and
prescription drugs. 3. Describe one chemical issue in the following common events: heart attacks, diabetes,
body building, and the use of diuretics.
Lesson Outline Lesson Outline A. Why study chemistry? 1. Relevance to a society emphasizing chemicals a. Vitamin and mineral pills - bring to class and pass around Centrum or
other vitamin/mineral bottles. b. Prescription drugs - bring in an antibiotic information/warning enclosure c. OTC medications - bring in a "cold/Flu" box d. Open advertising of drugs on TV and other media - have a contest and see
who can accumulate the highest number of web addresses for drugs in 5 minutes of web-surfing. e. Ingredient lists for the knowledgeable consumer (1) Food packages - bring in a cereal box (2) Cosmetics - bring in Oil of Olay or similar packaging. 2. Fundamental to an understanding of Anatomy and Physiology a. About 70% of all the energy (ATP) produced by living cells is used to maintain
cell membrane pumps that regulate chemical (ionic, organic) movements into and out
of cells: cells pump out Na+ and pump in K+. b. Major side effects of the most commonly prescribed prescription drugs -
the diuretics - involves potentially deadly deficiencies of potassium and magnesium
ions. 3. Informed choices for future health of yourself and your family depend on understanding
such "chemical" issues as a. Cholesterol and heart attacks. b. Triglycerides and cardiovascular disease risk. c. Blood glucose and diabetes. d. Protein for growth and bodybuilding. e. Salt and water balances - degree of hydration and athletics - "electrolyte"
drinks for runners and basketball players.