Student Success Workshop Descriptions
- Prioritize and Stay Focused – During this workshop, students are asked to assess how they prioritize and focus
on their academics. After a brief discussion, students are asked to also consider
what can be changed to positively impact their academic success.
Topics such as motivation, habits, routines, consistency and structure are discussed.
Organizational tools and strategies are also shared to explore how incremental changes
can positively impact academic progress.
- Staying Engaged during Online and In-Person Learning – During this workshop, students are asked to examine how they currently stay engaged
during online or in-person learning. Strategies are also explored to promote ongoing
engagement throughout the semester.
Topics such as productivity, active participation, communication, preparation, goal
setting, and accountability are discussed. Organizational tools are also shared to
explore how incremental changes can positively impact academic progress.
- Academic Integrity – During this workshop, students will learn about academic integrity and what it
means at Kingsborough.
Topics such as academic integrity, dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, CUNY academic
policies, citing, referencing, prioritizing and using time wisely are discussed.
- How Do You Learn Best? – During this workshop, students will learn about learning styles and tips for improving
academic success and progress.
- Academic Success – Probation Next Steps – During this workshop, students will discuss the road to success and strategies to
get off probation. They will also explore strategies to improve their cumulative GPA
and attain good academic standing.
- Are You Eligible to Appeal? – During this workshop, students will learn about different types of appeals, requirement
eligibility, application processes, and potential academic standing benefits.
- Preparing for Finals and Finishing Strong – During this workshop, students will learn strategies to better prepare and review
for their exams. They will also learn how to remain calm and focused through intentional
Topics such as fixed and growth mindset, preparation, organization, prioritization,
and reflection are discussed.
During each workshop students are actively engaged through verbal discussions, use
of the chat feature in zoom, and polling for self-reflection and peer-to-peer discussion.
Self-care tips, suggested online apps, and Kingsborough resources are also shared.