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Junior Achievement One Day

Junior Achievement One Day (Year 1)

Junior Achievement Financial Literacy Project

This (Fall 2008) is our second year participating in the Junior Achievement Financial Literacy project. Last year, we had 28 students from Speech Communications and Career Communications classes volunteer at a local middle school. The students delivered financial literacy and job readiness curriculum to eight classes of middle school students, through games and activities that made learning fun. Over 70% of the students in the school are receiving free and reduced priced lunches. We received support for this initiative through one of the board members, who is also on the board of Junior Achievement of New York. He supported the initiative by sending 5 Keyspan, Inc. (now known as National Grid) employees to mentor our KCC students, who in turn mentored the middle school students.

The speech professor worked with the students on professional speaking, dressing, and presentation. She also worked with her students on how to capture and keep the attention of youngsters. The CFO of Keyspan spoke with KCC students at the kickoff of the event and then praised the effort at our annual formal fundraising dinner and where we agreed to double the student participation this year by working across two semesters.

This initiative has allowed us to further publicize the importance of service on campus, as well as show how much of an impact our students can make in the community. The middle school is excited to have us return and we have decided to also create a partnership with another, in an effort to accommodate the growth of the program.

This project is supported by the CCNCCE Learn and Serve ASSETS grant and the NYC estimated volunteer value is $46,600.04.

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