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                                                        OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT


TO:                  All Faculty

 FROM:            President Farley Herzek 

DATE:            December 8, 2015


RE:                  Call for Proposals for the 2016-2017 President's Faculty Innovation Awards

I am pleased to announce the criteria and dates for the 2016-2017 President's Faculty Innovation Awards.  A total of $25,000 for the 2016-2017 academic year will be available.  Awards of up to $5,000 will be made to successful applicants.  We are especially interested in the following types of projects: 

  •  Collaborative projects that involve two or more departments
  • Innovative and collaborative projects that engage external partners (e.g., business community, other educational institutions, non-profit organizations)
  • teaching and research involving interdisciplinary and/or integrative collaborations
  • use of active and/or collaborative pedagogical approaches
  • use of instructional technology in the classroom and/or for hybrid courses
  • research projects that involve faculty and students in a mentoring relationship
  • development of civic engagement course components for existing courses, new civic engagement courses, college-wide civic engagement activities, and/or global learning in existing and/or new courses
  • integration of quantitative reasoning into existing and/or new courses


If you have such a project in mind and would like it to be considered for an award, please complete the attached Cover Sheet, Proposal Outline, and Chairperson Approval(s) form and submit the total package to Associate Provost Reza Fakhari ( no later than March 17, 2016.  

Full-time faculty can be granted release time upon approval of their Chairperson before submitting the proposal. All applicants are strongly urged to consult with Ms. Wanda Morales in College Advancement [M243, Ext. 4539] to draw up their budget.

Please note that basic course redesign, as would fall within usual faculty responsibilities, is ineligible. Course enhancements, as described above, will be considered.

All proposals will be reviewed by the Faculty Awards Committee* and recommendations made to the President. Awardees will be announced on April 18, 2016.

I strongly encourage all faculty to think creatively and collaboratively, and I look forward to having our students benefit from the exciting work these awards are designed to support.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Fakhari at extension 4550.  To view past projects and awardees, please visit:

Thank you.

*The Faculty Awards Committee:

Michael Miranda, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services, Chair of the Committee

Kevicha Echols, Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Reza Fakhari, Academic Affairs, ex officio

Jacob L. Mey, Physical Sciences

Maureen Minielli, Communications and Performing Arts

Lisa Paler, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services

Caterina Y. Pierre, Art

Anna Rozenboym, Biological Sciences

Edgar Troudt, Tourism and Hospitality


 President's Faculty Innovation Awards Application for 2016-2017 Academic Year