KCeL Home Page

Kingsborough Center for e-Learning (KCeL)
KCeL Mission and Goals
The mission of KCeL is to support Kingsborough faculty in effectively integrating technology in their courses in order to engage 21st Century students, provide them with significant learning experiences that will promote their success, and foster equity.
- Determine what professional development faculty desire and need so they can effectively use technology in their courses.
- Provide assistance to faculty interested in exploring the use of technology in their teaching.
- Develop a community of practice for faculty who currently teach and who are interested in teaching web enhanced, hybrid, and online courses
Dr. Loretta Brancaccio-Taras
Director of KCeL | loretta.taras@kbcc.cuny.edu | Ext: 6651
Cia Kessler |
Instructional Designer | cia.kessler@kbcc.cuny.edu | Ext. 6635
Maria Tomarchio
Administrative Assistant | maria.tomarchio@kbcc.cuny.edu | Ext: 6622
Jake King
College Assistant | jake.king@kbcc.cuny.edu | Ext: 6622
- Kingsborough Center for e-Learning (KCeL)
- M386
- KCeL@kbcc.cuny.edu
- 718.368.6622