CUNYFirst Employee Self-Service
Kingsborough Community College
Claiming your account in CUNYfirst Printable Version
The City University of New York
Office of Human Resources
Spring 2011
TO: All Faculty and Staff
FROM: Mickie Driscoll, Director of Human Resources
SUBJECT: Claiming your account in CUNYfirst
Now that CUNYFirst Employee Self-Service has been implemented, many Kingsborough employees have gone into the CUNYFirst system and accessed their CUNYFirst accounts. However, many more of you still need to claim your account. This will become even more critical for everyone as the student information portion of CUNYfirst (Campus Solutions) is implemented. All currently employed Kingsborough employees should claim their accounts by the end of this semester.
But please don t wait until the last minute. There are currently a few options available to you to accomplish this task. It won t take you long. Here's what you can do:
Option 1: Self-service with a printed guide. If you choose this option, click on this link Self Service Guide and follow the instructions. Or, go to the Kingsborough website, click on KCC Buzz, CUNYfirst on the opening page, click on How to claim your account, and click on the link for the printed guide.
Option 2. Self-service with a narrated video guide. Our IT Department has produced an excellent, step-by-step video guide to claiming
your account.
Again, click on this link Claim Account and follow the instructions. Or, go to the Kingsborough website, click on KCC
Buzz, CUNYfirst on the opening page, click on How to claim your account, and then
click on the link for the video guide.
Option 3. Classroom training offered by the IT Dept. Yves Etienne recently sent you an email with a schedule of workshops attached. Sign up for one of the workshops. At your session, IT personnel will guide you through the process.
To ensure that we've contacted everyone, we need some feedback from you. Please print out and return to us by mail (Mail Code : HR) or by fax (extension 5612) the form on the next page. Keep in mind the following:
Please review the personal information that is on file for you.
Note that some changes you can make yourself, while other changes can only be made by the HR Office.
If you change any of your data anything at all you must also report these changes to our Office of Human Resources. Because CUNYfirst is not currently linked to our payroll system, we must update the payroll system manually and we wouldn t want anything to go wrong with your pay check.
Whether you make any changes or not, be sure to complete and return the form!
Migration to our new information system is a monumental task. Your assistance in helping us with these initial steps will be most appreciated.