Campus Guest Access Protocol
Campus Guest Access Protocol - Effective November 1st 2023
October, 31, 2023
The Campus Community,
In a continued effort to ensure the safety of the campus community, Kingsborough Community College has implemented an additional safety measure regarding guests on campus. The “Guest Access Protocol” will require pre-approval and guests will be photographed before entering the college to ensure accountability of everyone on campus.
The goal of this policy is to help create and maintain a safe and healthy environment for our students, faculty, staff and guests of the college.
Effective 11/01/23, a guest access form must be submitted for any external guests visiting our physical campus; speakers who appear on ZOOM are exempt from this protocol. This new protocol has been developed to ensure seamless guest access and improve security for our college community.
If a member of the campus community has a guest that will access the campus, please follow these simple steps:
- Have available the information that will be needed to be entered or selected from
a dropdown menu;
- Information needed includes; guest first and last name, date of visit, campus location/class to be visited (applicable to faculty form), expected arrival and departure time (applicable to Non-Instructional form)
- Complete the form related to your role
Point people receiving requests are segmented by role:
- Faculty guest request will be reviewed by their respective department Chairperson
- Staffguest request will be reviewed by their respective department head
- Student Clubs will work with their respective Faculty Advisor and Student Life
It is recommended that forms be submitted at least 7 days prior to scheduled date of guest visit. Once a form is submitted, a running list will be delivered to Public Safety, where officers at the gate will have the needed information to clear and allow guest access seamlessly.
As a reminder all media access to the college must go through the office of Communications and Marketing. The protocol for media access can be found here.
Thank you for working together to keep our campus safe.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Thank you.
Ed Rios
Vice President for Finance and Administration
Chief Financial Officer & Chief Facilities Officer
Kingsborough Community College