"Connecting the classroom to the community..."
What is Service-Learning?
Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community
service opportunities into a student's coursework. Students are able to become active
participants in the learning process by using what they learn in the classroom to
solve real-life problems.
The mission of the Kingsborough Service-Learning Program is to place students in community
sites related to their coursework with the dual goal of enhancing student learning
outcomes and fulfilling the needs of the community.
The Office of Service-Learning provides training, support, and resources to participating
faculty, students, and community organizations.
Interested in service opportunities? Click on current opportunities.
Guide to Volunteering While in School
To contact us:
Center for Career Development & Experiential Learning
2001 Oriental Boulevard, Rm. C102
Mail Code: CP
Brooklyn, New York 11235-2398
Phone: 718-368-5115
Fax: 718-368-5366