President’s Weekly Messages to Students

Big Energy
Friday, December 8, 2023
Dear KCC Students,
It's the end of the year and end of the semester. Tomorrow is the last day of classes and next week you will start your final exams. Take a moment to reflect on all that you have done:
You trekked to Kingsborough on the train, on the bus, driving or in an Uber.
You attended your classes in person, online and maybe in both modalities.
You completed your assignments, wrote papers, read books, and worked in groups.
You went for tutoring, or maybe you helped someone in your classes.
You may have thought about dropping out, but remembered your dreams and aspirations.
You supported someone who thought about quitting school, and they decided to stay.
You attended events on campus.
You took a moment to sneak away to the seawall just to take in the beauty of the ocean.
You connected with your faculty mentors and advisors.
You made friends, you learned new things, and you even taught others a thing or two.
You took care of your family, and you went to work at a full time job, a part time job and maybe even both.
You registered for classes for the spring, or maybe you filed for graduation, or completed an application to transfer to a four year college.
You may have even played sports, or maybe you attended a game or two.
You joined a club and were active in it.
KCC students have done a lot this semester, but there is still more to so. It is time get laser-focused, set aside time to read, study for your exams and complete your projects to the best of your ability.
I need you to bring BIG energy and even BIGGER effort to your studies, to the end of the semester, to finishing strong, and to the new year that awaits you. You got this! and we got you!
Look around it's me and my crew (all the faculty and staff at KCC)
Rooting for you!
President Schrader