Tuesday, December 1
#KCCSPIRIT Goes Virtual!
#GIVINGTUESDAY is an international day of charitable giving that is held every year the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. CUNY has joined in the movement, and Kingsborough has adapted the drive as #KCCSPIRIT a fun and exciting fundraising event that brings together staff, faculty, board members, alumni, retirees, businesses and friends of Kingsborough.
#KCCSPIRIT has a whole new look this year! Everything from team registrations to game challenges to raffles to the final celebration gathering are virtual.
Reimagining this longstanding KCC tradition to a new online format was no easy task. But thanks to brainstorming by Team Captains and College Advancement staff, a “new” #KCCSPIRIT has come to life! We are looking forward to an exciting, user-friendly and successful fundraising event.
Our #KCCSPIRIT goal is $50,000—a challenging amount in these difficult times, but the need among Kingsborough students is great.
We hope you will participate in the #KCCSPIRIT by contributing to The Annual Fund for Kingsborough. The Annual Fund is the cornerstone of the College’s Annual Giving program. When you make an unrestricted gift to this fund, you are enabling KCC to allocate resources where they are most needed. On a daily basis, The Annual Fund supports student scholarships, academic programs and technology, and campus upgrades.
#KCCSPIRIT and other annual giving initiatives, are a vital ladder to student success.
Starting Tuesday, October 5 one click brings you to our official #KCCSPIRIT/#CUNYTUESDAY page to:

Save the Dates!
- October 6, 2020 #KCCSPIRIT
Registration Begins - November 9 - November 12 #KCCSPIRIT
Fundraising Week:#KCCSPIRIT Drawings - November 16 - November 19, 12PM-2PM
KCC Olympics Week: Virtual Games
- Tuesday, December 1, 10AM-12PM #KCCSPIRIT/#CUNYTUESDAY
KCC Olympics Showdown
Awarding of The Golden Shoe & The Golden Megaphone