
- English 92: Developing Fluency in Reading and Writing
- English 93: Developing Competence in Writing
- English 12: Freshman Composition I
- English 24: Freshman Composition II
- English 30: Introduction to Literature
- English 40: Short Fiction
- English 58: Creative Nonfiction
- English 67: Women in Literature
- City University of New York Graduate Center, New York, New York
MA in Liberal Studies, September 2006 – Fall 2013
Thesis Title: Coming of Age during the Sixties: A Narration of Lives through Battle and Music - Hunter College, New York, New York
BA in English, 1999 - Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn, NY
A.A in Liberal Arts, 1996
College Teaching
- Kingsborough Community College – City University of New York
2014-Present – Full-Time Lecturer
1999-2014 - Adjunct and Substitute Full-time Lecturer - Kingsborough Community College – City University of New York
1997-2001 - Tutor, the Reading and Writing Center
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources
- 2017 “Truth in Fragments,” Sinister Wisdom: A Multicultural Lesbian Literary and Art Journal. Celebrating the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. 103. (Winter 2017): 133-5.
- 2017 Photograph “Serenity Awaits,” Sinister Wisdom: A Multicultural Lesbian Literary and Art Journal. Celebrating the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. 103. (Winter 2017) Cover Art
- 2017 Photograph “Say Her Name,” Sinister Wisdom: A Multicultural Lesbian Literary and Art Journal. Celebrating the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. 103. (Winter 2017) 60.
- 2017 Photograph “Tent Lovin’,” Sinister Wisdom: A Multicultural Lesbian Literary and Art Journal. Celebrating the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. 103. (Winter 2017) 74.
- 2017 Photograph “Travelers,” Sinister Wisdom: A Multicultural Lesbian Literary and Art Journal. Celebrating the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. 103. (Winter 2017): 132.
Events and/or Key Dates
- 2014 “Reading across the Curriculum: Making Room for Reading in the English Classroom,” Transitions and Transactions II: Literature Pedagogy in the Community College Conference, Borough of Manhattan Community College, April 25-27, New York, New York.
- 2016 “Discussions in the Classroom: An Open Approach to Teaching Women and Gender Studies,” 47th Annual NEMLA Convention in March, 2016, Hartford, Connecticut.
- 2016 “Examining the Roles of Gender and Sexuality in Graphic Novels,” Transitions and Transactions III: Literature and Journalism Pedagogies in Community, Borough of Manhattan Community College’s Conference, New York, New York.
Research Interests
- Developmental English
- Autobiography and Memoir Writing
- Trauma Narratives and Writing as Therapy
- Drama and Performance Studies
- Women's and Gender Studies
- Rhetoric and Composition
- Creative Writing
Awards Recognition, Distinctions and Grants
- Kingsborough Years of Service Award- Twenty Years
Institutional Affiliations / Professional Societies
- Opening Doors Learning Communities
- CPE exam, The Reading and Writing Center
- Developmental Retreat: Reading Across the Curriculum
- ACT/CAT-W Certification and Workshops
- ASAP Mentoring and Workshops
- 91/92 Committee and Cohort Leader
- Women's and Gender Studies Faculty Interest Group
- New Course on Creative Nonfiction
- Safe Zone Training
- Moderator of Eco-Fest panel discussion entitled “Green Sector Career Path: Doing Well by Doing Good.”
- Presented at the Graphic Novels, Cartoons, and Comics FIG on “Representations of Family and Sexuality in Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home.”
- Panelist in a roundtable discussion entitled, “Across the Disciplines Roundtable Discussion” in April, 2016.
- Facilitated a Women’s Coming Out group for students who identify with the LGBTQ community.
- Panelist in the New Ally Workshop as part of the Safe Zone program.
- Participated in the Academic Advisement Center’s bi-annual Major Fair.
- Organized an event featuring well-known transgender activist CeCe McDonald, who shared her ideas concerning gender, sexuality, (in)justice, and intersectionality.