Jameelah Hegazy was hired at Kingsborough Community College as an Assistant Professor
in the Nursing Department in September 2014. Ms. Hegazy currently serves on the Curriculum
Committee and the Assessment Committee. She is an independent researcher/mentee at
Capella University pursuing a PhD in Education, specialization in Postsecondary and
Adult Education. She also received a Post Master Certificate in College Teaching.
Her professional teaching and research interest is adult learners’ experience in the
classroom. Ms. Hegazy received her Master of Art in Nursing Education from Pace University,
her Bachelor of Science from CUNY City College of New York. Her 5 years of professional
teaching experience is in didactic and clinical Medical Surgical and Community Nursing.
Ms. Hegazy’s professional nursing experience is in critical care nursing, medical
surgical nursing, middle management in Long Term Care, and Community Nursing over
22 years.
NUR 21
PhD- Independent researcher/Mentee
Capella University
Post Master Certificate in College Teaching
Capella University
MA – Master of Art, Nursing Education
Pace University
BSN- Bachelor of Science, Nursing
City College of New York, CUNY
College Teaching
Kingsborough Community College 2014-present
Long Island College Hospital School of Nursing 2009- 2013
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources
Case study questions and rubric development based on Bloom’s Taxonomy: Presented to
the Chair, Deputy Chair, and distinguished faculty at Kingsborough Community College,
December 2014.
Research Interests
Adult Student Learning Experience
Awards Recognition, Distinctions and Grants
Esprit Award – 2007 from the Visiting Nurse Service of New York
Institutional Affiliations / Professional Societies
American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
Sigma Theta Tau International Society: Honor Society of Nursing
National Association for Healthcare Quality
Personal Interests
Reading, Ancient History