
Caterina Pierre
- (718) 368-4622
- S-255, Arts and Sciences Center
Dr. Caterina Y. Pierre is Professor of Art History at the City University of New York at Kingsborough Community College. She achieved the rank of full professor in 2014. She received her doctoral degree in Art History from the CUNY Graduate Center in 2005. Dr. Pierre served as the Co-Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Concentration in Liberal Arts from 2012 through 2018. She has published numerous articles on sculpture of the Second Empire and the Third Republic in France, specifically on the work of Gustave Courbet, Jules Dalou and Marcello. She also writes about American art, especially in the area of sculpture, and sculpture production by women artists. Her first book, entitled Genius Has No Sex: The Sculpture of Marcello (1836-1879) was published in 2010 by Éditions de Penthes/Infolio, in Geneva, Switzerland. She is currently preparing a new book on cemetery sculpture as political art in the late nineteenth century, forthcoming from Routledge, and a non-academic biography of Marcello, forthcoming from Editions Cabédita.
Art 30 (Art and Activism)
Art 30 Online
Art 31 (Survey of Art History: Survey from Prehistory to the Present)
Art 31 Online
Art 34 (Survey of Art History: Renaissance to 19th-Century Art)
Art 34 Online
Art 34 Hybrid (Art Alive: History of Art through New York City Museums)
Art 35 (Nineteenth Century Art, formerly Modern Art I: 1880-1945)
Art 35 Online
Art 36 (Twentieth Century Art, formerly Modern Art II: 1945-Present Day)
Art 36 Online
Art 39 (History of Women in Art)
Art 39 Online
Art 81 (Independent Study: Art History)
Art 98 (History of Modern Sculpture)
Art 98 Online
BA, Brooklyn College, CUNY, 1994
MA, Hunter College, CUNY, 1996
M.Phil., The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2001
Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2005
College Teaching:
Since 2005 at CUNY Kingsborough; also: The Pratt Institute, Brooklyn (visiting associate professor since 2008); Sotheby’s Institute of Art, New York; Formerly: Parsons, The New School, New York; Christie’s Education, New York; The American University in Paris, Paris, France.
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources:
Book Review, “Sculpting Abroad: Nationality and Mobility of Sculptors in the Nineteenth Century,” Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 23, no. 1 (Spring 2024): [forthcoming in]
Article, “New Discoveries: Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Antinous, 1874,” Co-authored with Stefania Corsini and Etta M. Madden. Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 23, no. 1 (Spring 2024): [forthcoming in]
Essay in an Anthology, “L’eroe e la morte in Italia: I due monumenti ad Agostino Bertani eseguiti da Federico Gaetano Villa e Vincenzo Vela nel 1888,” in Vincenzo Vela: Scultore del suo e del nostro tempo, miscellanea di studi (Bellinzona: Edizioni Casagrande/Museo Vincenzo Vela, 2023), p. 278-311.
Exhibition Review, “Fictions of Emancipation: Carpeaux Recast,” Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 22, no. 1 (Spring 2023):
Book Review, “Sculptors Against the State: Anarchism and the Anglo-European Avant-Garde, Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 21, no. 2 (Autumn 2022):
Article, “The Durig Scrapbook: Notes on the Silent Forger,” Journal of Art Crime, Issue 27 (Spring 2022): p. 43-60.
Exhibition Review, “Suzanne Valadon: Model, Painter, Rebel,” Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 21, no. 1 (Spring 2022):
Article, “Attilio Piccirilli’s The Outcast (1904-1908) and Eternal Youth (1935): Immigrant Instability and the Italian American Experience,” Public Art Dialogue, Vol. 11, Issue no. 2 (Fall 2021): p.153-179.
Exhibition Review, “Sisters in Liberty: From Florence, Italy to New York, New York,” Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 20, no. 1 (Spring 2021):
Exhibition Review, “Gemito: Le Sculpteur de l’âme napolitaine,” in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Fall 2020):
Book Review, Juilee Decker, Enid Yandell: Kentucky’s Pioneer Sculptor (Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press, 2019), in Art Inquiries, Vol. XVIII: No. 1 (2020): 98-100.
Essay in an Anthology, “Chapter 14: Sculpture and the Public Imagination: Nineteenth-Century Site-Specific Sculpture of the Cemetery, the Garden and the Street,” in A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Art, Michelle Facos, ed. First Edition. (Chichester, West Sussex and Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2019), 225-242.
Exhibition Catalogue Essays, “Jean-Victor Bertin, Roman Figures in the Sabine Mountains,” (pp. 125-129) and “Courbet,
Landscape at Ornans,” (pp. 133-137) in The Herman H. Levy Legacy: A Cultivating Journey (Hamilton, ON, Canada: McMaster Museum of Art, 2017). [In French and English.]
Article, “Modern Sculpture.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Art History. Ed. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann. New York: Oxford University Press, website, 2017.
Museum Publication/Catalogue, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water: Sculpture at the Dahesh Museum, part of the series In Focus (3) New York: Dahesh Museum of Art, 2016.
Keynote Address, “Art + Controversy: The Photography of Robert Mapplethorpe,” in Paideia 3 (2015): 13-17.
Book Review, Claire Jones, Sculpture and Design Reform in France 1848-1895: Sculpture and the Decorative Arts (Surrey and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2014), in H-France Review, Vol. 15 (August 2015):
Exhibition Review, “Carrier-Belleuse: Le mâitre de Rodin,” in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Spring 2015):
Exhibition Review, “Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux,” in (March 5, 2015)
Published Lesson Plan, “Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Sculpture,” Art History Teaching Resources (Spring 2015)
Exhibition Catalogue Essays, “Sculpting Against the Grain: Images of Women in Marcello’s Oeuvre,” (pp. 65-77)
and “Courbet, Marcello, and the Shared Model,” (pp. 94-103) in Marcello 1836-1879 (Milan: 5 Continents, 2014). [In French, German and Italian.]
Exhibition Review, “David d’Angers, Making of the Modern Monument,” in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Spring 2014):
Book Review, Susanne Glover Lindsay, Funerary Arts and Tomb Cult, Living with the Dead in France, 1750-1870 (Farnham/Burlington: Ashgate Press, 2012), in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Spring 2014):
Exhibition Review, “Nel segno della Libertà. Gli artisti Francois (1784-1855) e Sophie (1797-1867)
Rude,” in in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Autumn 2013):
Exhibition Review, “Dalou: le sculpteur de la République,” at the Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts
de la Ville de Paris and “Dalou, regards sur le XVIIIe siècle,” at the Musée Cognacq-Jay,
Paris, in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Autumn 2013):
Essay in an Anthology, “The Altar to Liberty at Green-Wood: A Monument to Brooklyn’s First Heroes,” in Green-Wood at 175: Looking back/Looking forward, edited by Jeffrey I. Richman, (2013), p. 128-133.
Newspaper Article, “Nel segno della Libertà. Gli artisti François (1784-1855) e Sophie (1797-1867)
Rude” in Corriere del Ticino, 26 April 2013, p. 34.
Article, “Preserving the Site-Specificity of Ruckstuhl’s Minerva (1920) in Green-Wood Cemetery”
in Markers (Vol. XXVIII): 14-43.
Commentary, “Ten Items to Help Guide a New Art History Online Course” in Art History Teaching Resources (April 6, 2013).
Exhibition Review, “Lorenzo Bartolini: Scultore del bello natural” at the Galleria dell’Accademia,
Florence, Italy, in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Autumn 2012):
Book Review, Renée Ater, Remaking Race and History: The Sculpture of Meta Warrick Fuller (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011), in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Autumn 2012):
Article, “Louis-Ernest Barrias and Modern Allegories of Technology” in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (May 2012, special edition):
Book Review, Jane Mayo Roos, Auguste Rodin (New York: Phaidon, 2011), in, (April 5, 2012):
Book Review, Alison McQueen, Empress Eugénie and the Arts: Politics and Visual Culture in the Nineteenth Century (Vermont: Ashgate, 2011), in H-France Review, Vol. 12 (February 2012):
Exhibition Review, “Degas, Sculpteur (1834-1917): Un exceptionnel Orsay hors les murs” at Roubaix-La
Piscine, Musée d’Art et d’Industrie André Diligent, Roubaix, France, in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Autumn 2011):
Exhibition Review, “Illusions of Reality: Naturalist Painting, Photography and Cinema, 1875-1918” at
the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Spring 2011):
Article, “The Pleasure and Piety of Touch in Aimé-Jules Dalou’s Tomb of Victor Noir” Sculpture Journal Volume 19, Number 2 (Fall 2010):173-185.
Exhibition Review, “Matisse & Rodin” at the Musée Rodin, Paris, in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Fall 2010):
Book Publication, Genius Has No Sex: The Sculpture of Marcello (1836-1879). Geneva, Switzerland: Editions de Penthes/Editions Infolio, 2010.
Exhibition Review, “Dalou in England: Portraits of Womanhood, (1871-1879)” at the Yale Center for British
Art, in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Spring 2010).
Article, “Des âmes sœurs: les échanges entre Delacroix et Marcello” Société des Amis du Musée National Eugène Delacroix, Bulletin No. 7(Fall 2009): 39-46.
Exhibition Review, “Henry de Triqueti (1803-1874), scultore dei Principi” at the Museo Vincenzo Vela,
in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Spring 2009).
Exhibition Review, “La matière de l’étrange, Jean Carriès (1855-1894)“ at the Petit Palais, Musées
des Beaux-arts de la Ville de Paris, in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Fall 2008).
Article, “Bessie Potter Vonnoh: A Sculptor’s Legacy in New York” Fine Art Connoisseur, Vol. 5, No. 4 (August 2008): 42-45.
Exhibition Review, “Elegant//Expressiv: Von Houdon bis Rodin, Französische Plastik des 19. Jahrhunderts“
at the Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe, in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Spring 2008).
Catalog Essay, “Plasters and Disasters: Audrey Flack’s Recent Sculpture” in the catalog for the
Kingsborough Community College Art Gallery exhibition of the same title (Spring 2007):1-15.
Exhibition Review, Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848 – 1907): scultore Americano dell'Età d'Oro at the Museo Vincenzo Vela, in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Spring 2007).
Article, “The rise and fall of the Musée Marcello” The Journal of the History of Collections Vol. 18, No. 2 (Oxford, England, November 2006): 211-223.
Article, “To Bid Thee Farewell: Commemorative Portrait Depicting Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (1827-1875)”
in WAPACC Organization, Constructions of Death, Mourning, and Memory Conference Proceedings, ISBN 0-9785461-0-5, pages 86-88, 219-220.
Article, “A New Formula for High Art: The Genesis and Reception of Marcello’s Pythia” Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (Autumn 2003).
Events and/or Key Dates:
Tenure Granted, Fall 2010
Advanced to Associate Professor, Fall 2010
Appointed as Co-Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Concentration, Fall 2012 (Served two terms, 2012-2015; 2015-2018)
Advanced to Full Professor, Fall 2014
Research Interests:
Nineteenth-and early twentieth-century art, with a focus on European and American sculpture; the social impact of art; women sculptors; cemetery art and material culture; historic house museums and sites; museum studies; fakes, forgeries, and other art crimes.
Awards Recognition, Distinctions and Grants:
PSC-CUNY 48 Research Award, City University of New York Faculty Research Award (2017-2018)
PSC-CUNY 47 Research Award, City University of New York Faculty Research Award (2016-2017)
Chancellor’s Research Fellowship, City University of New York (2014-2015)
President’s Faculty Innovation Award, CUNY Kingsborough Community College (2014-2015)
PSC-CUNY 45 Research Award, City University of New York Faculty Research Award (2014-2015)
PSC-CUNY 44 Research Award, City University of New York Faculty Research Award (2013-2014)
National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Seminar, Visiting Scholar, American
Academy in Rome (2013)
Réseaux-Echanges Program, Pro Helvetia, Arts Council of Switzerland (2012)
2011 Presidential Grants Fellows Program, CUNY Kingsborough Community College (2011-2012)
PSC-CUNY 41 Research Award, City University of New York Faculty Research Award (2010-2011)
PSC-CUNY 40 Research Award, City University of New York Faculty Research Award (2009-2010)
President’s Faculty Innovation Award, CUNY Kingsborough Community College (2008-2009)
PSC-CUNY 39 Research Award, City University of New York Faculty Research Award (2008-2009)
PSC-CUNY 38 Research Award, City University of New York Faculty Research Award (2007-2008)
PSC-CUNY 37 Research Award, City University of New York Faculty Research Award (2006-2007)
IIE Fulbright Fellowship, affiliation with the Université de Fribourg, Switzerland
CUNY Dissertation Year Fellowship, Jewish Foundation for Education of Women (2002-2003)
Réseaux-Echanges Program, Pro Helvetia, Arts Council of Switzerland (2002)
Resident Fellowship, Swiss Institute for Art Research, Zürich (Summer 2001)
John Rewald Fellowship (2000)
Spero-Goldreich Fellowship for Dissertations in Sculpture (2000)
Institutional Affiliations / Professional Societies:
AICA – International Association of Art Critics (AICA, United States Section)
American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Association of Art Historians (AHA)
Association of Historians of 19th-Century Art (AHNCA, Newsletter Editor/Board Member,
2010 to the present)
Catalogue Raisonné Scholars Association (CRSA)
College Art Association (CAA)
International Association for the Conservation and Promotion of Casts (IACPC)
Italian Art Society (IAS)
Mid-Atlantic Popular American Culture Association (MAPACA, Former Co-Area Chair, American
Studies, 2008 to 2014)
Nineteenth-Century Studies Association (NCSA)
Public Art Dialogue (PAD)
Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC)
Personal Interests:
French language study
Twentieth-century music history, esp. Prince Rogers Nelson (1958-2016)
Currently reading the complete 20-novel series Les Rougon-Macquart by Emile Zola (in English)