Academic Probation Policies
Probation, Dismissal, Readmission and Forgiveness Policies
Academic Probation:
Academic probation is a term used to indicate you are not making minimum academic progress required to graduate and earn a degree.
After you are notified by the Registrar Office about your probation, you are expected to raise your cumulative grade point average (GPA) to a passing level in order to continue your studies at Kingsborough.
You are required to maintain minimum academic standards to remain in good academic standing detailed in the Academic Standards menu tab.
If your cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below minimum academic standards, you will be placed on academic probation for one term.
It is important for you to hear: This is Not a punishment! This is a warning you may be in academic jeopardy.
Passing all classes is NOT an indication of academic success and progress. You are required to maintain minimum academic standards to remain in good academic standing detailed in the Academic Standards menu tab.
Continued Probation:
After one term on academic probation, if your cumulative grade point average (GPA) remains below the minimum academic standards at the end, you will be placed on continued probation.
You may be limited in the number of units (credits) you can enroll in during your next term. (We want to ensure that you take an appropriate number of courses to be successful.)
At the end of term, if your cumulative grade point average (GPA) still remains below minimum academic standards, you will be subject to academic dismissal and must wait 3 years before reapplying.
If you did not achieve minimum academic standards after your probation, you will be academically dismissed from Kingsborough and may not be allowed to reenroll for 3 years.
If you are academically dismissed for not achieving minimum academic standards, you may file an appeal for an immediate reinstatement asserting extenuating circumstances. In the application for reinstatement, you must provide legal and/or official documentation of the extenuating circumstances that made it impossible for you to meet minimum academic standards.
Evidence must be provided that you are capable of performing at the academic level required to prevent further dismissal.
A former student who wishes to return to Kingsborough should complete an online Readmission form at (see bottom of website). United States veterans are exempt from the readmission fee.
Consult the College’s webpage for readmission deadlines; applications should be filed early since readmission deadlines are well before the start of the upcoming term.
Note - Students who have received their degree from Kingsborough should click Second Degree Applicants for more information.
Students are Not readmitted into Degree programs (Plans)/Concentrations (Sub-plans) that have been submitted for closure. It is recommended that you speak with an Academic Advisor to discuss alternative options if you were previously enrolled in a now closed Degree program (Plan)/Concentration (Sub-plan).
Readmission Statement Instructions:
Provide a detailed explanation of the extenuating circumstance(s) that caused you NOT to complete the term or return after your last enrollment.
1. The first paragraph should clearly explain why you are submitting a Readmission application, including all pertinent information such as term(s), course(s) and relevant name(s).
a. Term(s) – List the term(s) in which the extenuating circumstance(s) occurred.
b. Course(s) – List the course(s) you intend to appeal.
c. Name(s) – You are required to include the first and last name of any individual(s)
you include in your statement. For example, if you are writing a statement regarding
your parent(s), please include the name(s).
2. The body of your statement should provide detailed information that explains what extenuating circumstance(s) caused you NOT to complete the term or return after your last enrollment. You must clearly explain the extenuating circumstances that were beyond your control. Please be specific and include relevant supporting documentation!
Readmission After Academic Dismissal:
Former students who were academically dismissed from Kingsborough Community College may apply for readmission according to the guidelines provided in their dismissal letter. A letter of appeal should be addressed to the College Committee on Admission and Academic Standing. The appeal letter with relevant supporting documentation should be submitted through the online readmission form.
Consult the Registrar’s home page at for full details of the process and for deadline dates. Appeals should be submitted well before the start of any term.
If you have been out of Kingsborough for a period of three (3) years or more and your grade point average was below 2.00, you may be readmitted in good academic standing by appealing to the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standing. Any prior failing grades, while still reflected in your record, would not be calculated in your grade point average (GPA) to determine academic standing. You would be readmitted on academic probation and the forgiveness policy will be applied only once to your academic record.
Although prior failing grades, while still reflected in your record, would not be calculated in your grade point average (GPA) to determine academic standing, they may be calculated by other institutions for the purpose of transfer consideration.