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Faculty Development Groups

Faculty Development Group: Using Data to Support Teaching and Learning (Faculty Learning Community)

As data have become increasingly important across higher education, a faculty-driven approach to intentional and informed data collection and interpretation is essential if data is to support student success and advance equity at KCC. To facilitate the discussion, the sessions will include books and article readings on the use of data to make data-informed decisions in improving equity, teaching, and student success in education. These sessions will further aim to provide familiarity with survey design, implementation of surveys using Qualtrics, familiarity with the IRB process when collecting data from human subjects, interpretation and analysis of data, and sharing data and research findings to support teaching and learning.

Through participation in this faculty development group, the faculty will:

1) be able to use Qualtrics in preparing, distributing, and collecting data

2) be familiar with the importance of data in making evidence-based decisions

3) be familiar with the steps to follow including IRB compliance when collecting data from human subjects

4) use tools in interpreting and analyzing data

Zoom Information:            
Meeting ID: 347 692 0722    Passcode: 2025

Meeting 1: How to Use IRBManager (Before Collection of Data)

Thursday, October 24, 2024 (zoom) @ 12:50 – 1:50 p.m.

In this meeting, we will discuss the steps in their research planning, particularly when collecting data from human subjects. This will include a guide on the steps needed for the completion of IRB filing and on the requirements a researcher would need to fulfill when collecting data from human subjects.

Meeting 2: Creating Surveys using Qualtrics (Collection of Data)

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 (KCTL/Zoom) @ 12:50 – 1:50 p.m.

In this meeting, we will discuss and show how to create surveys using Qualtrics. We start with a new blank project and show the various types and formats of questions, how to create quantitative questions and when to use open-ended questions, how to review the work, update the flow, edit the design, etc. Lastly, we will show how to publish and deliver the survey. Other examples were used to show how the data looks and what type of data reports Qualtrics makes available.

Meeting 3: Reviewing and Analyzing Data Collected through Qualtrics (Collection of Data)

Thursday, November 7, 2024 (zoom) @ 12:50 – 1:50 p.m.

In this meeting, we will continue the discussion on the use of surveys. After learning how to create a survey in Qualtrics, we will learn how to view, download, analyze, and interpret the data collected in Qualtrics.

Meeting 4 & 5: How to Collect, Display, and Interpret Data (After Collection of Data)

Thursday, November 14, 2024 (zoom) @ 12:50 – 1:50 p.m.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 (KCTL/Zoom) @ 12:50 – 1:50 p.m.

In these two meetings, we will share and discuss various KCC projects involving data collection and analysis. Such projects may include the Student and Faculty surveys from 2020 – 2023 regarding online learning challenges and experiences, Student and Faculty surveys 2023 regarding ChatGPT experience and vision, the Team as Support (TAS) survey, Mindset Surveys, etc. During this discussion, it was shown how the collected data can be displayed, interpreted, and used for future updates to the design of surveys.

Meeting 6: Q&A on Data Supporting Evidence-Based Decisions

Thursday, December 5, 2024 (zoom) @ 12:50 – 1:50 p.m.

In this meeting, sharing book and article readings, as well as our experience in how data have become increasingly important across higher education. This meeting will be scheduled as a Q&A regarding the importance of data collection and interpretation in supporting student success and advancing equity at KCC.

Download Faculty Development Group: Using Data to Support Teaching and Learning (Faculty Learning Community) Poster (PDF)


Dorina Tila