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“Discussions about the meaning and necessity of grades have many dimensions: Is it equitable to grade when students’ conditions are so various? What, exactly, are we assessing ?”   

Questions about grades and their role in higher education are not new. However, education movements and inclusive new pedagogies are challenging traditional praxis and grading norms in classrooms across the country. One movement, in particular, taking root is "ungrading," which has the potential to deconstruct classroom hierarchies and cultivate classrooms where students are intrinsically motivated to learn.

This FIG, facilitated by Michelle Gabay (English), will be reading UN grading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead), edited by anthropologist and professor, Susan D. Blum. Spanning fourteen chapters and covering a variety of disciplines, including STEM, educators write about their diverse experiences going gradeless.

Whether you’re intrigued by "ungrading" specifically, interested in alternative forms of assessment, or want to simply stay up to date on new scholarship and trends, let’s read, chat, trouble, debate, and explore ungrading together. The book is available for purchase through Amazon, Apple Books, Audible, and Kindle.

For more information or to join, please contact Michelle at and please visit our Academic Commons site.