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Operations Continuity

Distance Learning

Last updated August  25, 2020  7:11 pm

Distance Learning begins March 19 and ends June 12



KCC Updates

August 25, 2020

Dear KCC Community,

The Chancellor will be announcing the launch of the new App to all CUNY students, faculty and staff on Tuesday, August 25th which will also coincide with the go-live of the App. This App. will supplement our existing Health Screen Process, temperature checks by our Public Safety EMT' will still be required at the main gate. 

Please note that that faculty and staff requesting campus access still require approval from their division Vice President.

Effective Wednesday August 26th, All KCC faculty, staff, and students will be required to complete the daily Symptom Checker before coming into the office. This simple Symptom Checker can be accessed from your mobile phone each day before your visit to the campus. Upon completion of the daily check, you will receive a confirmation notification about your eligibility to enter the campus. Public Safety will also, if necessary have access to this confirmation via their dashboard.

Failure to complete this daily campus access policy will result in not being permitted on to campus.

To help you in preparing for the Tuesday launch, we are providing you access to instructions on how to install and use the APP by simply clicking on this link .

Please contact for technical support for installing or using the APP. 

We greatly appreciate your patience, partnership and cooperation.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Thank you.

Ed Rios
Vice President for Finance and Administration
Kingsborough Community College