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Operations Continuity

Distance Learning

Last updated  Deember  2, 2020  3:06 pm

Distance Learning





From: KCC COVID Response
Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 2:55 PM
Subject: High Importance: COVID-19 Positive Case

Dear College Community,

I write to inform you that one of our students has tested positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus) . The student self-reported and the last time they were on campus was November 30th, 2020.  

When last on campus, in the T2 Building, the student was asymptomatic and all safety protocols were observed including wearing proper masks as well as maintaining proper social distance. The student is recovering at home and we wish them well.  We have notified the impacted students and instructors to give them proper instructions as per the Department of Health on how to quarantine. 

We encourage you to review the NYS and NYC websites for information about COVID-19, including its symptoms, how it spreads, and actions you can take to protect your health. Please monitor yourself for COVID related symptoms. If you experience symptoms such as a fever, cough, new loss of taste and/or new loss of smell, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, please seek immediate medical attention. If you do not have a health care provider, please call the NYC COVID-19 hotline (888-364-3065).

All New Yorkers can receive a free COVID-19 virus test. Diagnostic tests are available through NYC COVID Express sites or through other public and private sites (search via the COVID-19 Test Site Finder). This includes free, walk-in testing at mobile and rapid point of care test sites in the neighborhood.

Your well-being is the College's top priority. We ask that you continue to practice social distancing, proper hand-washing and wear a mask.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me using the information below. Thank you and please take care during this very challenging time.

 Karen St. Hilaire
COVID-19 Liaison

Kingsborough Community College
Telephone: 718.368.6524