President’s Weekly Message

You Rock!
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 3:41 PM
Dear KCC Students,
In March, at the start of the pandemic and the NYS Pause, I started walking in the park near my home early in the morning. I realized that walking helped to clear my mind and helped me to focus on all that needed to be done to ensure that your goal of obtaining a college degree was not compromised. Because of the outstanding faculty and staff at Kingsborough, we were able to maintain both academic and business continuity through distance education and remote work. The fruit of our labor is your presence at KCC this semester. My message to you is that in the midst of your busy schedules, taking classes, studying, and completing assignments, find time to clear your mind and do something that brings you joy.
Walking now also brings me joy. I recently found the following on one of my walks and wanted to share it with you because the message is a reminder that if your mind can conceive it, and your heart can believe it, then you surely, surely can achieve it!
You rock!!
President Schrader