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President’s Weekly Messages to Students

The Spring in your Step!

Tuesday, March 16 2021

Dear Students,

Each year around this time we spring forward by setting our clocks one hour ahead.  This means we 'lose' an hour of sleep, but it also means we gain more daylight!  But you already know all about springing forward, you did that when you decided to register for classes at KCC this semester.  

By deciding to pursue your academic goals, you may lose some of the time you spent on leisure activities (which now you have to spend on studying), but in two years (or even less) you will gain so much more... a college degree and a future as bright as the sun!  And just like that your first week is finished! By now you have

  • attended all your classes

  • met your phenomenal professors and your classmates (who are on the same mission that you are)

  • read your syllabi and know all that is required of you; and 

  • you have created a personal schedule that includes time each week for studying, reading and completing your assignments.  

I know it can be overwhelming. But you got this! You have taken the first step and we are here to support you and cheer you on along the way!

For starters, I will continue to send you weekly emails to check in on you!

Also, if you havent already done so, check out the KCC Spring 2021 Checklist to help you get better oriented:

Remember we are here to help.  Here is the contact information for key campus offices that can provide you with additional assistance.


Continue to practice social distancing, wear your mask (or two), and wash your hands often.

I am sending you positive vibes for a great week!

-President Schrader

The Spring in your Step