President’s Weekly Messages to Students
May 12, 2023
Dear KCC Students,
I hope you didn’t think that I was going to end this week without sending you an email. I have to tell you, it’s been one of those weeks. Astrologers would say that things have been hectic because Mercury is in retrograde. According to the Farmer’s Almanac a planet goes into retrograde three times a year, meaning it "appears to travel backward across the sky." So, it is easy to see why people associate this time with confusion, delays, and disruptions. But check this out, Mercury is not actually moving backwards. A planet can’t suddenly reverse tits path, it only looks like it’s moving backwards.
If that’s true it means that whatever I experienced this past week happened because things (despite our best efforts) don’t always go as planned.
That’s life is sometimes. Things just seem so bleak like it will never get better. But we know that is not true, because circumstances do improve, maybe not immediately, but eventually they do. Sometimes you just have to push through. And I did just that today, I pushed through, sharpened the focus on my priorities, and writing to you was on top of the list.
KCC students, what I know for sure is that the only constant is change. Just think about where you were last year, 5 months ago, or even 3 months ago. I know that so much has changed for you in big and little ways. And if you can imagine there is more to come. For some of you commencement is around the corner, followed by transfer or a new job or promotion. For others, summer classes are up next; and yet for others a new semester awaits you in the fall.
But what I know for sure for all of you is that the best is yet to come. Keep pushing. Forward.
Have a great weekend!
President Schrader
Let me know if you are in need of any assistance.