President’s Weekly Messages to Students
First Things First
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Dear KCC students,
It's been almost 40 years since I sat in your seat, the seat of a college student trying to do their best to earn their college degree. My biggest worry back then was missing home. Looking back now I know that the issues I had are nothing compared to what many of you experience as students right now. On top personal, health, financial or even family issues you have to manage, there are things happening around you, in the world and in our city that often impact your ability to stay focused and stay the course toward earning your college degree. When this happens, you may not be able to give your studies all your best, or you might even consider giving up your dream of earning a college degree altogether.
I write to you every week, hoping that my words will inspire you and offer you support because your dreams and goals are important. But today, my words are probably much less inspiration, and more of advice. My message today is: Take care of yourself. Get enough rest, eat properly, and find time each day to disconnect and give yourself some quiet time. What I know for sure is that in order to achieve anything, especially your goals you have to first take care of yourself.
Please remember we have resources on campus to assist you like our Health Center, Counselors, Veteran & Military Resources, Food Pantry, Safe Zone, Men’s Resource Center, Women’s Center, and Single Parent Resources and so much more:
President Schrader