President’s Weekly Messages
The three R's
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Dear KCC Students,
A new year is just days away! This is usually the time we make resolutions about all the things we want to do in the coming year. Many of you are probably making RESOLUTIONS to complete your degree and I am here for this! What I need you to know is that we are all here for you, because we resolve to help you to achieve your goals. We have manyRESOURCEShelp you toREACHyour goals!
- If you need childcare while you take care of the books, check out the Kingsborough Community College Child Development Center.
- If you need someone to talk to because you are having a difficulty time, the Personal Counseling Center is here for you with services, support, and education relating to your wellness and health.
- If you served our country, are a spouse, dependent or survivor of someone who did, our Military and Veteran Affairs Office (MAVA) is here for you.
- Kingsborough has always been known as a place that helps students, that's why its not surprising that we were home to the nation’s first community college-based, one-stop place to get connected to government benefits and resources. The Access Resource Center is here to help you access resources for childcare, SNAP, clothing, or transportation, and many other services where you live and when you need it.
KCC students, these resources are just the tip of the iceberg, I can go on for ever talking about the Men's Resource Center, Women's Center, Disability Services, Food Pantry, Scholarship Office, and IT Office, Honors College, Bookstore, the Library and so many more offices and services, but you can check them out for yourself at
So in a few days, when you start to develop your list of resolutions for the new year, know that your success is at the top of our list for 2022 and beyond.
I wish you all a very happy and successful new year!
President Schrader