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KCC/CUNY Updates

Campus Entry Guidance

Last updated  October 12 2020  1:10 pm

Campus Entry Guidance



From: Eduardo Rios
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 2:03 PM
Subject: Finance & Administration Division Department Updates

October 13, 2020 –Finance and Administration Campus Updates

The College Community:

The Division of Finance and Administration has been very busy to ensure that we are all safe and healthy, that the campus is clean and sanitized, facility upgrades and infrastructure projects continue, regulatory environmental issues are addressed, operational services are available, technological tools are seamless and upgraded to allow us to work remotely, provide the campus and community virtual entertainment options and that we are good stewards of the college budget and our fiduciary responsibilities for all financial reporting.

What follows are the division department updates.

Buildings and Grounds:

Custodial Training

  • All Custodian personnel have been trained on how to execute the new enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocols. All Custodians have also completed the NYS Return to Work COVID-19 training. The enhanced procedures for cleaning and disinfecting adhere to the requirements as advised by the CDC and NYSDOH. These cleaning protocols are designed for each specific area of campus including restrooms, classrooms, elevators, labs, gym, childcare and offices. Sanitizing targets will especially focus on high-touch surfaces, such as desks, tables, buttons, handrails, faucets, doorknobs, dispensers and shared equipment. Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting with attention to these areas helps remove bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19.


Revised Custodial Schedules

  • Custodial shifts are designed to harmonize with all academic and Continuing Education classroom instructional schedules. There are Custodian shifts for daytime, evening, night and weekend classroom coverage. Designated custodial and supervisory personnel are assigned to perform deep cleaning and sanitizing of every classroom utilized. Where possible, sanitizing will take place in between classes and after each session.  These revised schedules also include disinfecting high touch surfaces throughout the day in public spaces.


Cleaning Equipment

  • During the evening shifts, Custodial teams are assigned to operate electrostatic disinfectant sprayers to clean and disinfect spaces throughout the school. The sprayers utilize an EPA registered, CDC approved disinfectant. These sprayers assist in sanitizing areas more efficiently and effectively.


Custodial Logs

  • Each area of the campus is assigned to a Custodial team and supervisor. Cleaning and disinfecting activity is documented by utilizing logs, checklists and other documentation. These administrative logs are reviewed daily and are analyzed by Facility managers to track progress and make schedule adjustments.

Disinfectant logs are posted in every classroom and student designated restroom.


Service Issues email

  • The service issues email has been very successful in helping maintain our facilities and assisting our customers. It is an affective effective tool in providing very quick responses and customer satisfaction.  For the period covering 9/1 – 10/2/20 we received and responded to 58 service issue requested, including 12 from faculty. Some of the most common service issue requests are:


  • PPE -masks, gloves, sanitizing wipes, safety shields.
  • Cleaning of vents
  • Key requests
  • Air conditioning complaints
  • Lights out


Our custodial teams are working diligently to ensure a safe and clean environment for all.


Campus Planning and Design:



Phase 1 of construction work is in progress.  A trench is being dug between the north side of the S building and the south side of T7 in order to augment the electrical service at the rooftop of T7 and provide sufficient power to run the new heating and cooling equipment in this contract.  New conduit lines and concrete conduit boxes connecting the two buildings will be buried in the trench.



          This project is 95% completed, with a few minor punch list items pending           resolution.




NYC’s Office of Management and Budget    (OMB) have placed the purchase of new equipment specified in this contract on temporary hold.  As soon as those funds become available, the College will     proceed with this purchase.



          This project was publicly bid and is pending the release of funds by                    NYC/OMB so that CUNY may award the contract to the low bidder and    begin construction.



          The Consultant prepared 30% design documents.  The College        completed its review of that submission and returned comments to CUNY   on April 28, 2020.  There has been no progress on the Design Phase          since then due to a temporary hold on funding placed by NYC/OMB, still    presently in effect.


Note:  Future Capital projects pending funding allocation for design services include:  Reconstruction of the Marina; New Lighting/Sound Systems and New ADA Accessible Restrooms at the Performing Arts Center; and, Upgrades to the Pool in the G building.  


Office of Environmental Health and Safety:


  • Preparation and submittal of the annual NYS EO4 GreenNY report to Sustainable CUNY.  The GreenNY report measures green initiatives taken by Kingsborough to help New York State reach its long-term sustainability goals.


  • Provided COVID-19 Return to Work training to 170 essential workers in B&G and Public Safety.  The Return to Work training educates workers on how to protect themselves and others against COVID19, and to help stop community transmission of the virus.


  • Conducted a campus audit with the University Director of Environmental Health & Safety, Risk Management, to confirm compliance with Kingsborough’s reopening Plan.  Overall, the campus is in compliance but additional signage is being posted for social distancing and face coverings.


  • Conduct weekly audits of the campus to confirm compliance with the KCC Reopening Plan.


  • Maintain the OSHA-required injury logs.  This log must be readily available during inspections by the PSC, unions, and NYS Department of Labor.


  • Managed an inspection of KCC’s cooling tower system by New York City Department of Health.  No violations were cited.  The cooling towers are in compliance with the regulatory requirements to prevent the growth of legionella bacteria. 
  • Arranged the repair of the library’s emergency generator fuel tanks and tested the HP emergency fuel tank.
  • Arranged for the disposal of mercury and lead containing equipment and medical waste as regulated by the EPA and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. 


  • Conducted annual fit testing of employees that use N95 respirators.


  • Provided the Child Care Center workers with training on the proper use of facemasks for protection against COVID19.


Finance & Administration:



  • Since the start of Fiscal Year 2021, colleges have been allocated monthly budgets, for each of the months of July through September. In order to help the campuses financial planning processes, the University has extended the colleges current operating allocation through January 2021, (a seven-month budget) in order to cover the remainder of the Fall semester as well as most of KCC’ 2nd module. The revised and extended allocation provides us with the ability to plan for these terms, as well as to determine scenarios for the Spring 2021 semester. Our budget capacity is also contingent on tuition and fee collections, and thus enrollment levels and collection rates must be factored into our scenario planning.


  • The University continues to withhold 20% of state funding, both operating aid and financial aid. The State community college enrollment realignment of -5.4 million is factored into KCC funding levels, the effect to KCC is <$940,000>.


  • The City budget includes $46.3 million in reductions. These reductions are also factored into the college’s budgets, the effect to KCC is <$8,056> million.


  • Fall semester academic program and lump sum allocations will be issued shortly, these funding levels will also undergo adjustments to correspond to State and City budget actions.


  • The University is waiting for any potential federal stimulus support for state and local municipalities that would help mitigate some of the expected budget reductions.



  • All documents required by the University from the college for University’s consolidated Financial Statements have been submitted within the deadlines set forth by the University.


  • The Related Entities, KCC Foundation, Student Association and Auxiliary Services Corporation audits have been successfully completed.


  • All documentation required by Grand Thornton, for KCC’s annual A-133 Single Audit have been submitted.


  • KCC has resumed its annual re-inventory process by going around campus physically scanning assets on campus.



  • Check Distribution has continued every two weeks.
  • Paper checks are mailed to anyone that receives one (if you have not done so, please sign up for direct deposit).
  • Paystubs have been scanned and emailed to all faculty/staff. The scanning will be discontinued shortly. Please refer to HR’s email about accessing your paystubs by way of NYC’s CHRMS system. 

Mailroom Operations

  • The Mailroom team has been bundling mail for departments upon request. The mail is dropped off at the main gate available for pickup.

Information Technology

  • Secured Remote Access for Staff, Faculty and Students using VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) and Citrix.
  • 475 Staff and Faculty (24% of workforce) access their desktops remotely every day.
  • 131 Staff and Faculty are setup to access software remotely.
  • Over 30 sections of Art, Business, Tourism, and CIS classes can access software remotely.
  • Implementation of call forwarding and softphone technologies.
  • 200 extensions are forwarded and 140 Softphones have been enabled (12% of telecom users).
  • Provided support to Faculty and Students for Blackboard and other Learning Management solutions.
  • Total Help Desk Calls Month of September–4,489
  • Blackboard Support has handled 1,086 calls.
  • Staff and Faculty Desk has handled about 724 calls.
  • Student Help Desk about 2,679 calls.
  • Expanded its laptop-lending program for Students, Faculty, and Staff. In month of September, we started lending out mobile hot spots. So far, about 24 students have taken advantage of this, will continue to expand its inventory of devices.
  • Device inventory 2520, loaned – 1,506, including 1,340 for students, 75 for faculty, and 91 for staff.

On-Stage at Kingsborough: (Fall Virtual Presentations)

  • This fall, On Stage at Kingsborough is presenting exclusive online performances that includes Broadway stars, Doo Wop, flamenco, jazz, and more. Highlights include our exclusive commission of an award-winning Spanish dance and guitar duo filmed live in performance at an ancient Roman amphitheater in Granada, Spain. Other virtual presentations include “Broadway Sings for On Stage At Kingsborough” which features performances from the stars of Broadway’s “Hamilton,” “The Lion King,” “Chicago,” “A Gentlemen’s Guide…” and others; The Luis Bravo Tango Festival; America’s favorite Doo Wop, Rock, and Motown Group, Under The Streetlamp; The Allan Harris Band; and an intimate Hanukkah celebration with Tony-Nominee and global Yiddish concert artist Eleanor Reissa and Zalmen Mlotek (Broadway’s “Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish”). Tickets are available on a pay what you can basis.
  • On Stage at Kingsborough also will provide virtual school time performances to public schoolchildren, as well as master artist workshops to Kingsborough theatre students, free of charge. For more information, visit


Public Safety:

Campus Access & Everbridge App.

  • Health Screening APP – the Everbrigde App. was implemented in September.
  • Everbridge is the Health Screen APP that every Student, Staff and Faculty are required to use if they are authorized and approved for campus access. 
  • Public Safety pre-screeners have the ability to pre-register visitors and can also assistant in registering at our point of entry,
  • There are various ways of utilizing the App.

Via smart phone

Via email

Via main gate Kiosk

  • Require the usage of face coverings, masks are provided as needed.
  • Monitor the Everbridge Health Screening Application that is utilized by faculty, staff, students and guests prior to their visit onto the campus.
  • Public Safety EMTs will ensure “Wellness Check” - Approval Confirmation” as well as conduct a temperature screening.
  • Daily health screening for COVID-19 contact or symptoms (e.g. questionnaire, temperature check) are conducted for those individuals to access the campus when the Everbridge app options have not been accessed. Ensure that all non-essential personnel have an appointment or are pre-approved to enter the campus.
  • Post signs consistent with Department of Health signage.
  • Perform daily queries of all faculty and staff who have completed the NY COVID-19 Return to Work Training prior to gaining entry onto the college campus.

Goldstein HS:

  • High School staff and students are using the DOE Health check App to gain access to the campus.
  • Students are being dropped off outside of the North Gate and are lining up in accordance to the Social Distance Guidelines.
  • Staff and students are entering through and signing in at the North gate.
  • All staff and students are having their temperatures checked at the North Gate and are being asked the health questions in reference to COVID – 19.
  • The High School will provide PPE’s to staff and students if needed.
  • In case of an emergency LMG High school nurse and Public Safety personnel are available on site.
  • An isolation room (104) has been assigned and PPE equipment are available if required.

I will continue to provide periodic extensive campus-wide updates accordingly.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you.

Ed Rios

Vice President for Finance and Administration

Kingsborough Community College